Chapter 14: Phase 4 Part 3; Phase 4 ends

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"Seriously guys, where the hell is all of our stuff? My bag is gone and I left my badge here!" I yell. "God who would even have the guts to steal from you guys anyway? Sure I get they can underestimated me but YOU TWO? Did they have a death wish like c'mon."

"It is surely strange." Illumi says. Illumi was awfully close to me, along with Hisoka. There battle of auras was still not over, instead just repressed slightly. I sigh, hoping that they take the hint, but they don't. I walk around, looking for any signs as to who was here. 

I shouldn't had released my nen when I knew they were both up. My nen being here could have stopped whoever came through.

And then I see it. "Holy shit."

Both men turn to me. 

"Find something?" They ask together.

"No I just said that for my health. YES OF COURSE I FOUND SOMETHING."

They come over and stare at what I'd found. Three sets of feet were in the mud, under some dead leaves I'd assumed they tried to use as a cover up.

"Well we cant just stay here. Lets split up." I say.

"What are you proposing? That I leave my toy all alone only after a day of healing?" Hisoka slumps over my right shoulder, his face dangerously close to mine. 

Pushing him off, I answer his questions.

"Actually, yes. That clearing that I was at yesterday, we can meet up there in a day. Gather badges if you want, but make sure you look for our things. My duffle bag has it all."

"What if the person who shot you is there. Or perhaps new foes." Illumi asks.

"The we take them out by force. Shouldn't be too hard for you both."

"I suppose that's it then? You just want to split up? And after all I did to nurse you back to health." Hisoka whines, nudging me playfully.

"You didn't do shit, I would have recovered." I say, joking only a little bit. We agree for tomorrow at sunset, and head off in different directions.

Hours pass, and I found myself wandering the forest, the huge roots coming from the ground in an attempt to escape. I see a familiar white haired boy, and quietly come up behind him.

"You're bad at sneaking around Y/N."

I gasp lightly. "Damn you found me out. I wasn't trying that hard anyways."

Killua laughs, and then gestures me towards him. He whispers in my ear, "Someone's following me, but don't let them know we know. I'd like to keep this up for a while longer."

I nod and remember what I wanted to ask.

"Hey, have you seen my duffle bag anywhere? Some group of assholes came through and stole-" I pause for a minute, deciding not to let the boy know about Hisoka and Illumi. "-stole my things. Pisses me off." 

I slap my hand over my mouth. "Yo I didn't mean to like, curse in front of you or whatever. I've been a little irritated the past day or so as you can tell."

Killua shrugs. "No biggie, Y/N, Milluki curses all the time when he plays video games."


"Oh yea, Milluki is one of my older brothers. Long story short," Killua pipes up a little louder, probably so that way the stalker could hear too, "I come from a family of assassins." He quiets down again. "But I don't really want to  be one. I mean, who wants to have their whole life planned out for them? Sorry, but that's not my style."

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