Chapter 4: The first phase begins

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Still feeling his stare, I continue to walk away. Then, I heard a familiar voice to my left. Oh no. Not right now.

Looking in that direction, I saw the trio that I followed down here. Acting as if it was the first time that I was meeting them, I openly smile. "Hi, I'm Gon! This is Kurapika, and this is Leorio!" "Hi Gon, I'm {F/N}{L/N}. It's a pleasure to meet you all." I said with a harmless smile. I now noticed that the magicians stare was no longer on or around me. 

Suddenly, one of the walls keeping us here started to rise, showing behind it a single man  with light lavender hair and a very curly mustache. He rung a bell that had some sort of green face on it. Creepy

"I apologize for the delay. Thank you, for waiting. The entry period for hunter applicants is officially closed. So without further ado, the Hunter Exam will now begin.", said the man. Everyone slightly tensed up, but probably just from the excitement of being able to start the journey to becoming hunters. "One final word of caution. If you are short on luck or ability, keep in mind that there is a very real chance that you can become seriously injured. Dead is another distinct possibility. If you're willing to accept the risks involved, I'll ask you to follow me now. But for the rest of you. Kindly exit through the elevator located behind you." Silence. No one moved. It made sense though, after coming this far to start the exam just to give up now would be cowardly. 

"Right then very well, all 404 applicants will now participate in phase one." And with that, the mustache man turned and started walking. Within minutes though, he quickly started picking up pace, and we started into a light jog. No matter. I have done a lot of endurance training. I could full sprint for roughly 2 hours and jog for almost a full 10 hours. 

"How rude of me I neglected to introduce myself," Finally, a name for the man. "I am Satotz. Your examiner for the first phase of the exam. It's my responsibility to lead you all to the second phase." "Second phase? Whatever happened to the first?" said one of the applicants. "The first phase is already underway. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you when or where the second phase begins. All I can tell you is that you need to follow me." And with that, we all started the long run to the site of the second phase.

*Time skip*

Roughly 3 hours in and many people have started to drop out. Barely anyone was talking in an effort to save their breath. All this time I had stayed with Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio. Then I heard the sound of wheels behind me and I knew who it was. 

I looked back to see Killua riding his skateboard. I smiled at him and waved at him, signaling him to come forward. Just before I spoke, Leorio interrupted me. What in the hell. Why do I always get interrupted. 

Pouting, I push forward a good 15 feet in front of the four of them. I'm positive that they would become friends in no time. Especially Gon and Killua because of how similar in age they were.

I felt a pat on my right shoulder. Glancing over, I noticed who it was. 

That weird clown dude.

"Hello my dear.", He said. Unamused, I reluctantly answer. "I'm not your dear. I'm not your anything." Realizing how mean that sounded, and not really wanting to make an enemy out of this guy, I try to restart my sentence a few seconds later. "Yo, sorry for the bluntness, I'm not usually as rude. But I'm not your dear. The name is {F/N}. {F/N} {L/N}. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Well my dear Y/N, I'm Hisoka. The pleasure is all mine.", He said while he grabbed my hand and kissed it. Shocked by the gesture, I slightly blushed. Pulling my hand away, I only replied by turning my head to face ahead. "You're not very social are you? How cute." Hisoka said. I knew that he wanted a reaction, and I would be damned if I would give it to him. "Nope." I gave a small laugh as to not come off as completely rude. I really am awkward. That's what happens I guess. Growing up without many people around to talk to.

I felt another presence to my left. As I look over I saw a man with pins in his face and all over his clothes. He wasn't as tall as Hisoka, but he was still really tall. probably around 6 foot tall. His face was in a permanent smile. Creepy. 

"What's your name?" I asked the pin-man to my  left. However he only chattered and stared at me. Hisoka answered for him. "His name is Gittarackur. He doesn't talk much as you can tell." We laughed and Gittarackur chattered. 

"Stairs?" a random applicant shouted. Looking ahead, there were indeed stairs in front of us. Time to kick it into high gear I suppose.

Hooking my webs to the walls far ahead, a made sure only someone using Gyo could see them. Then, giving a smile to Gittarackur and then a slightly bigger smile to Hisoka, I waved goodbye. The last thing I saw of them was their confused looks at me before I shot off up the stairs, using my webs to propel myself forward each time. Kind of like Spiderman. I laugh as I felt the cool air on my hot and slightly sweaty skin.

Hisoka's POV:

Talking to her, I could easily tell she was very shy. No matter how many times I attempted to strike a conversation, she only gave me a short answer. Just like Illumi. Boring as hell. I can fix that though.

 As we started our hike up the mountain of stairs, the girl known as {Y/N} smiled and waved, before launching herself up the stairs. Quickly using Gyo, I only noticed small and thick strings launching her up the stairs. What a unique talent indeed. I can't wait until I can finally, finally break her.

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