Chapter 13: Phase 4 Part 2; Your Badge

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Dude I really thought I posted this daysss ago rip.

Waking up, Hisoka is nowhere to be seen. I would have to go down to the base of the tree to see the ground and its surroundings. I think while looking down. Shit! I left my duffle bag down there!

Quickly hurdling myself downwards, I use my webs to stop me from dying just before I hit the bottom. Looking in my duffle bag, I see the badge tangled up with my clothes from yesterday. Looking at the clothes I had on, a thought hits me. I don't remember having a yellow jacket.. HISOKA!

I roughly blush and take it off, shaking as I get used to the colder temperatures. I guess the mountain was too steep for anyone to dare climb. I continue my search for Hisoka. Finally getting the river and hot pond in sight, I see a pile of clothes, along with a naked Hisoka washing off in the cold river. I couldn't help but look down for a moment before turning red. Oh my god. I did not just look there.

"Oh, well good morning my dear, lovely morning isn't it?"

I ignore his question, instead stating why I wanted to find him. "I was worried you left without a goodbye, but I just wanted to return this." Way to go, sound like he HAD to say goodbye to you or the world would end.

I put the jacket in the pile of clothes I saw on the rocks near the hot pond. "But my dear Y/N... you were cold last night that I had to give you MY clothes. After that you cuddled up to me and were just fine afterwards~"

He's just trying to embarrass you Y/N, and if you did, it was only because you were asleep. "My apologies. I didn't mean to be so intrusive on your space." I say, turning away quickly. He had gotten out of the river, but was still in the process of getting dressed. He started talking while putting his shirt on in front of me, and I couldn't help but take a glance.

His regular sweats were on, along with his shoes, but his hair was down, shirt off, makeup nowhere to be found. I look away when I see him give a devilish grin. "You just couldn't stop clinging to me! It was as if you had let go you would've died!" Hisoka starts to exaggerate in hopes of making me an even brighter red, but I saw through his plan.

Bending over, I pick up a pink fluorite crystal. "Yo, is this-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, Hisoka was behind me, ripping the crystal from my hands. He turned away, shoving the thing in his pocket. He looked...embarrassed? I pulled out my citrine, then looked at him. The piercing yellow of the crystal was just as yellow and piercing as Hisoka's golden eyes. That must be why this called to me so much.

"Hiso, do you know what kind of crystal this issss?" I half whine half ask. Even though I already knew from the moment I saw it, I wanted to see if my theory was correct. If I'm right, Hisoka might ACTUALLY be shy about the fact that he either likes crystals or is knowledgeable about them.


Damn. What an unfortunate event. It must have fell out while I was putting my clothes on. Here I am, trying to embarrass her, and yet all I seem to be doing at the moment is show her one of the few things I'm actually shy about. I give an evil smirk, yet it was one also filled with a bit of curiosity. Y/N my dear, what are you doing to me? I want to break you, and yet, somehow, I want to protect you. I mentally hit myself.

Obviously it's because I want to be the one to kill her. If someone else kills her, that would simply be a waste.

However, I just want to go over there and kiss her. Feel her as she tries to pull away from my lips again. I want to travel my hands up her sides and arms, my mouth on her neck and she tries not to whimper. I will be the one to take my little fruits virgini-

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