Chapter 9: Phase 2 part 2; Split Mountain

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I sighed. "Hisoka, are you gonna stop following me anytime soon? Don't you have someone else to bother? If not, I have some questions." I stop moving and Hisoka bumps into me. Unbothered, I move over to a window bench. Sitting, Hisoka sits across from me. "Well go ahead my little toy, what do you want to ask?" He said.

Wow. I didn't expect for him to just let me ask him questions. I guess I expected some type of game or payment.

"Well, uh, first off, why do you keep doing that? Calling me your toy, I mean. It's kinda creepy and I would appreciate if you would stop." I say, still surprised by his willingness to let me question him.

"Well my dear, I suppose I can quit if it's what you want, but I won't stop calling you 'my dear'. I quite like it. As for 'my toy', I guess you would find out anyway. You see, I know you know nen. I want to fight you. But you still don't know everything. I don't want to fight you until you are at your full potential, but there are a few things I don't get. I don't want you to tell me, as I myself like a challenge. Is that all?"

Taking in his speech, I try to comprehend all of what he had said. Nen? Toy? Fight him? The man who was my first kiss wants to fight and hurt me? What the hell?!  Stuck in thought, I didn't notice that he had scooched closer towards me. "Now if you don't mind," he started. "I will take my payment." Payment?

Turning to ask what he meant, his lips crashed into mine. He smiled while kissing me, and it made my heart flutter. God you're such a teenager y/n. Pushing Hisoka off me, he interrupted my soon-to-be question. "My, I was going to give you a peck on the cheek, but that was much better~" 

I turn away and blood rushed to my face, turning my cheeks a rosey red. "I knew you were going to want something from me." I whisper out. Looking back towards where he was, I notice he was gone, all that was left behind was a joker card. Cursing, I pick up the card and tuck it into my back pocket. When I get the chance, I'll give it back to him. Give it back and tell him that I don't want to fight him.

"Will all applicants please make your way to the entrance, I repeat, will all applicants please make their way to the entrance. Thank you." A voice over the speaker said.

*Time Skip*

"Now let me demonstrate." Menchi said as she jumped off. Everyone gasped. Eventually she came back up, an egg in her hand. "Now all I have to do is boil it all I'll be all set!" "Alright!!" Gon said, jumping down. "Wait! I haven't finished explaining yet!" Menchi wailed after us. I jump, laughing as I felt the evening breeze set in. 

"You're cute when you laugh."

I jump out of my skin, missing the web with my right hand, my left hanging on only by two fingers. Not having enough strength with just two fingers, I start to slip, when Hisoka grabs my wrist, pulling me up enough to grab the webs correctly.

"You idiot! I could have just died!" I yelled at him. "The breeze doesn't just happen at any time!" I yell out. "She's right." Someone  said. Murmurs are heard all around us. Still not feeling any wind, and with how on edge I was, I was growing impatient. That stupid clown took all the patients I had to give. Honestly, screw it all, these losers probably don't even know nen. I'll just make my webs invisible.

And with that, I let go just as Menchi had, grabbing a rather large egg with one of my hands, I use the other one to launch myself up like a trampoline. "Y/N!" Gon yelled out to me. Waving at him, I reach the top of the mountain, landing a little too close to the man who had introduced himself as Netero. I apologized for my poor landing skills. 

"It is quite alright Miss..." He trailed off. "Y/N." I said, bowing. "Well Miss Y/N, I hope to see you and your nen ability grow" I smile and nod. Walking away, I wave at him. What is it with people and wanting to see my nen grow.

After everybody landed Chairman Netero asked the people who didn't jump if they were going to back down. One of the people that didn't jump was the man threatening Menchi. I walk over to him. "Why didn't you jump? Jumping off this cliff is a lot more of what a Blacklist Hunter would do, don't you think? Not just killing an animal and eating it." "Y/N, he understands." Gon said, trying to calm me down.

"Yea, I suppose you're right." I look down at the boy, smiling, as he gives the rat in front of us some of his egg. Gon looks up at me saying, "Y/N, we should go look for some cool rocks or something!" I nod and start to follow him, when the man called out my name. 

"I, uh, i'm sorry for my behavior, it wasn't right of me to get so angry. But, next year, I'll make it!"

I smile and nod. Maybe he works on that temper as well.

A/N: This was a shorter chapter but I really wanted to get this out today. I'm working on moving Hisoka more into the book, along with Gon and friends, and Illumi. (constructive) Criticism is always welcome!

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