Chapter 10: Night before phase 3

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A/N: WE JUMPED ALL THE WAY TO #24 IN #HISOKA (1/29/21) WOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH IM SO GLAD PEOPLE ARE ENJOYING IT! Sorry for the caps but I am just so happy! Thank you so much <3

The sun had set and everyone had just left the cafeteria. Only a few remained, reading books or enjoying a frozen treat. Sighing, I got up to leave, thanking the workers around me for their service. 

Grabbing my room key, I walk towards the rooms, when I feel Hisoka's aura. Turning around, I suddenly didn't feel it anymore. Turning back around to go to my room, I see Hisoka at the end of the hall. He looked directly at me, smiling. Deciding it wouldn't help to try and leave, I walk towards him. When I reach him, I pull out the card he had left by the window. 

"Here. You left this. I don't want to fight you." I say blankly. Turning around to walk back to the cafeteria, Hisoka calls out to me.

"Actually, my dear, I don't seem to have a room..."

I knew what he wanted, and I knew I probably couldn't do anything about it. Without looking back, I throw my room key behind me.

"You can take the key to my room. Just make sure to let me in if I come back."

Humming in response, he leaves. Oh my god. What an idiot. Now what am I going to do for the rest of the night?

I choose to walk the halls, when I see the man known as Gittarackur. Speeding up my pace to catch up to him, I tap on his shoulder. "Yo, I remember you wanted to talk to me, y'know before the second phase really started?" 

"I did." He replied. Stopping at a window seat, we both sit down, facing each other. This reminds me of earlier, when me and Hisoka-

"So Hisoka tells me your name is Y/N." 

I nod in response.

"You also seem to know nen."

"Well, yea, but I don't know everything." I say. It's probably best to just keep my answers short and sweet.

"I see. What is your nen type?"

"Uhm, should I really be telling you all of this? We might have to fight each other. There are still two or three phases left."

"Unfortunately, y/n, I am not forcing you to answer my questions. We can take turns if that is what you'd like."

Nodding, I ask him about his pins.

"I cannot answer that." Gittarackur replied.

"I didn't mean to offend you!" I say, horrified I made him feel bad. "I just thought they were kinda cool. I've seen some people are able to change their face shapes with big pins and whatnot. I am truely sorry."

Gittarackur sighed. "Follow." He said, and with that, he walked to the area of which we would find our rooms. Curiosity getting the better of me, I listen, and we end up at the entrance of his room. 

"Uh, I'm not sure I should-"

"I'm not going to do anything disgusting."

Cautiously trusting this strange man, we walk into his room, and the lights flicker on. Locking the door behind him, I gulp. He starts pulling the pins from his face. Looking away as to not offend him anymore, I hear pins fall to the floor, one by one. 

"You can look now." 

The voice of the man had changed. It went from a choppy chatter to a lower and smoother voice, not as velvety as Hisoka's, but just soft. Looking up, I see that Gittarackur's appearance had changed. Man, have I been predicting the future or what!  

This man was much more beautiful than the man I had seen earlier. His purplish-blue mohawk had turned into long, flowing black hair. His eyes turned into big black pupils that made me want to fall asleep, and his permanent smile had turned into a very blank face. 

Blinking away the transformation, he began to talk. "I think that you will become very strong. That being said, I am choosing to trust you with my secret. My name is Illumi Zoldyck, and I am a famous assassin."

I couldn't help myself, and I started laughing very loudly. In between breaths, I manage to spit out my thoughts. "You- you're telling me- ahaha, that you are Killua's brother, and that that cute little boy and you are assassins. For an assassin you really don't care who knows do you?" I continue to laugh, but the expression on Illumi's face hadn't changed.

"That's why i'm taking the exam. Killua hurt my mother and little brother, and so now I want to bring him home. I'm simply keeping an eye on him. He is to take over the household when my father passes it to him."

Quieting my laughter, I stand up straight. "Well doesn't it seem like you got the short end of the stick?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I guess I am assuming that you are the older, if not oldest brother. Shouldn't that mean that you become head of the family?" I say, going along with this idea that Killua and the man in front of me were assassins. "That, and why do you have to watch over him. I don't really know Killua all too well, but he seems perfectly capable of staying alive."

Illumi seemed to ponder my questions, looking back up to me. He opened the door. "That was all, you can leave."

Not questioning it, I tell Illumi that I would keep his secret.

"I trust that you will, that's why I let you know. I'm never wrong about these things." 

I slowly nod and walk away, checking the time. I suppose I should get to my room, it's getting late and I need sleep for tomorrow. 

*Time Skip*

Walking into my room, I knock.  I can't believe I have to knock to get into my own room.

Hisoka doesn't answer the door, and I sigh. "Yo clown, can you let me in?" No answer. Trying the doorknob, it opens and as soon as I do, I see steam coming from the bathroom. (It's cliche just go with it)

Closing the door behind me, I lock it, and get into bed. I was going to shower, but it seems i'll just have to wait until morning.

Setting my alarm to 6:00 am, I lay in bed. Drifting off to sleep, I hear Hisoka start to sing a song that I hadn't heard since my sensei had sang it to me. Listening to his velvety voice, I drift further in to sleep.

"We were playing in the sand.

And you found a little band.

You told me you fell in love with it,

hadn't gone as I planned.

When you had to bid adieu,

said you'd never love anew.

I wondered if I could hold it and fall in love with it too.

You told me to buy a pony,

but all I wanted was you."

Hisoka's singing voice was the most perfect thing I had heard. And his humming at the end of the song was even better than the original song. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

A/N: I'm planning on releasing the next chapter today btw. The song Hisoka 'sang' is at the top if u want to listen to it. It's called: Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall. You can't tell me that the humming at the end of that song doesn't sound like Hisoka at least a little bit Kbye~

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