Chapter 5: First phase- Swindlers Swamp

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A/N: I've decided that I am going to be moving this story into a first person POV. Sorry if that isn't something some of you wanted but I got no feedback on what was requested. HOWEVER!! I am so grateful that some people have enjoyed the story from what I can tell. Please make sure to vote if you enjoy! Let's see how much support we get and maybe a lemon will happen next chapter?? o_O??~

Quickly making it to the entrance, I notice that only two people were in front of me; Gon and Killua. I expected nothing less, really. I knew they would become good friends due to their age and strength similarities and it's already showing. 

After being the third person to arrive, I swiftly make my way over to the two young boys, asking if they wanted water or a small treat. Killua perked up smiling and asked what kind of treats I had. Pulling out everything I had, he set his gaze onto one thing: my only chocolate robot. Instantly my chocolate robot was out of the pile, being ripped from the packaging and shoved into his mouth. Letting a chuckle out, I watch as the two young boys indulge in their sweets.

*Time skip: brought to you by young, bunny-boy Hisoka* !art isn't mine!

Deciding that I would stick with Leorio and Kurapika, I said my goodbyes to Killua and Gon before falling back to the my other two companions

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Deciding that I would stick with Leorio and Kurapika, I said my goodbyes to Killua and Gon before falling back to the my other two companions. 

Yes. Companions. It would be foolish to say we were friends, for Kurapika and Leorio aren't as accepting as Gon. I was lucky that Killua accepted me so quickly, but I still wouldn't put too much trust in him if I was in grave danger. 

Gon just seemed so, trustworthy, as if even if it cost him anything and everything he would help his friends. That could be a dangerous thing for him in the future.

Suddenly being ripped away from my analysis of my allies, Kurapika, Leorio, and I were all surprised when we heard Gon yell to us. He wanted us to head up to the front. "You idiot, if I could reach the front I'd already be there!" Leorio wailed back. I, indeed could catch up, but knowing how simple minded Leorio was, and how capable the two young boys were of getting through this phase, I concluded within myself that I would stay here with Kurapika and help them both as much as possible. 

After Kurapika and I gave Gon some reassurance that we would be ok, the fog started to thicken and it was becoming much more difficult to see people around us. Soon, people directly in front of us were becoming nothing more than fuzzy shapes.

Then, one by one, heads of applicants in front of us were taken. "What in the hell is going on now!" shrieked Leorio. He seemed totally bewildered. 

"A-are those, strawberries?", I  said, half stunned. We must have been drugged. Right? No, I'm sure than at least I haven't been drugged. 

In an instant, one of the applicants was swept up in the mouth of a...  dinosaur?

"Leorio!", Kurapika called out to the man who was now nearly in the big monsters mouth. Giving a swift nod to one another, both Kurapika and I jump into the air. The plan wouldn't take but a second or so. All we needed was to hit its eyes. Then we could run  away.

After stunning the dinosaur-like creature, without any time at all I yank on Leorio's arm, throwing him in front of me, while staying behind to deal with the beast. 

As they ran away, I look around to see if anyone was around. Unfortunately, everyone was dead except me. That's fine I guess. I don't want anyone seeing my nen just yet.

Whipping my webs from mid-air, I thicken and sharpen the string, along with adding the numbing acid. 

This beast isn't going to get back up!

Aiming for the heart of the monster, I lunge  forward, missing slightly and only grazing a leg.


The beast collapses, but is still swinging its head wildly around. Deciding not to miss again, I shift my aim from the heart to the brain. 

I won't miss again. If I do, it could cost my life.

Jumping back from the beast, I give everything I have into the webs, swiftly ending the miserable things life. Huffing to catch my breath, I run in the direction that my companions went only to see-

"Gon!" Anger quickly boiling up inside me, I let go of my restraint- of everything- when I see the green haired boy loosen his grip on the magician's strong hand. The bodies on the ground didn't matter. Dead bodies aren't new to me. Even though I was exhausted from my fight with the dinosaur, Gon was important to me. 

Never once has that boy done anything to wrong me. And until he does, he's not going to die!

Whipping the Magicians arms with a thin and acidic web, he lets Gon go. Rushing over to the magician, I push him back a good 20 feet. He did nothing but smirk while wiping the blood from his lip.

*Hisoka's POV*

Surprising. She, she hit me square in the jaw.

Devilishly grinning at the girl before me, a look of shock and worry swiftly appeared before leaving just as quick as it came. That look became determination, a protective look like when a mother is protecting her young.

I guess my two new toys are friends. But, oh y/n, don't look at me like that. That anger, that strength. It's really turning me--no, show some restraint. Seems I need to take my toy away for some one-on-one time. I want, no, need to know more about her nen.

Slithering my Bungee Gum around her ankles, wrists, and mouth, I tighten it, pulling everything together. Falling to the right, she hits her head on a rock.

Damn. Just great.

Yanking her towards me, I grab her duffle bag, her, and Leorio before disappearing into the fog that had surrounded us. 

Time to have real conversation with my new toy~...

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