Between your thighs ( UA Boyfriend Scenarios)

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Izuku Midoryia

" You've been staring at me for a few minutes is everything okay?" Izuku chuckled as he sat up in his bed facing his lovely girlfriend.

(Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows together looking at his smiling face.

" Come on you can tell me!" Izuku said cheerfully.

" I want to be between your thighs. Ya know kinda a much my face between them." She said as Izuku face exploded with a blush.

" C... Can you repeat that?"

" I want to be between your thighs." She said again.

" Y-yeah that's what I thought you said." He stuttered.

" Well? Can I be?" She said sweetly.

" Sure." He said looking away from her as she wedged her head in between his thighs smushing her face between them with a happy smile.

" Hey Izuku are you comfortable... Izuku? I- he passed out!?"

Katsuki Bakugou

(Y/n) looked up from her phone to the boy in front of her.

" What do you want brat?" Bakugou grumbled looking back to her.

" If you're gonna act like that I'm not going to tell you." She said sitting her phone down.

" Come on, don't be like that. You know whatever it is I'll say yes to it." Bakugou said rolling his eyes.

(Y/n) shoved him back into the bed as she slowly crept down.

" Baby, if just wanted to taste the explosion you could have just asked me sooner- the fuck are you doing!?"

" Laying between your leg and on the ' Explosive'."  She said as she picked her phone back up.

" I didn't agree to this brat!" He said.

" You said, whatever I wanted to do you'd say yes to. Well I wanted to lay between your thighs." She said.

" You'd be lucky if I didn't suffocate you with them."

" Is that a threat or a promise?"

Tenya Iida
It was absolutely no secret that Iida loved (y/n)'s legs. Especially her thighs.

He loved when she'd let him lay between them as they wear doing minimal tasks, like scrolling through their phones.

He ever lived  for the moments when he would randomly would place a soft kiss against them, gaining a small huff from the girl.

" Stop being so damn cute it's annoying." She said crushing his face between her thighs as she played her switch.

" I just can't help it, darling." He said placing another kiss on the soft plump skin.

" You're gonna make me lose Tenya stop it." She huffed again.

" You need to be studying anyways." Iida said continuing to kiss her thighs until he felt the need to give her a love bite.

It was music to his ear once her heard the losing sound of the game. He smile up at her, giving her thighs a squeeze.

(Y/n) slammed the game down beside of her before getting up from the bed.

" I was just teasing." Iida said as he sat up only to have the girl plop down between his thighs grabbing them tightly.

" Don't dish  out what you can't take." She warned kissing on them dragging her hand sensually down his leg.

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