I didn't lie (Todoroki x Male! Reader)

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Requested by XxZerefDepressionxX

(Y/n) sat alone at his dinner table, he tapped his foot impatiently against the ground with his arms crossed. It was almost 10: 30 and Todoroki still wasn't home from work. (Y/n) huffed as he got up placing all of the dinner he made into the oven as he went to get ready for bed.

It was 11:00 before Todoroki even sat foot inside of his own home.

"Sorry I'm late (Y/n)." Todoroki said as he kissed the other males forehead.

" Dinner's in the oven if you want anything, I'm sure you got fast food or something." (Y/n) said looking away from him.

" Actually I didn't I wanted some of your cooking. What did you fix?" Todoroki asked with a smile.

" Cold soba, steamed vegetables and some beef strips." (Y/n) said as he watched Todoroki walk into the kitchen.

" I have to grade papers Shoto. I have patrol after school lets out tomorrow." (Y/n) said as he pushed himself off the door frame.

" You're not going to sit with me while I eat?" Todoroki said as (Y/n0 shook his head.

" I need to get those papers graded. I'll see you when you come to bed." (Y/n) said as he kissed Todoroki's cheek before walking back towards their shared bedroom.

Todoroki sighed as he looked down at his bowl of soba and plate of food and sighed. " Yeah I'll see you when I come to bed." He muttered as he started to eat by himself.

(Y/n) sat at his desk rubbing his temples as he graded the papers , ' Why hasn't he been telling me that he's going to be home late? That's so unlike him.' (Y/n) thought sighing as he finished grading the papers and tucked himself into the bed. When Todoroki finished his dinner he went to (y/n) and his shared room and took a quick shower before laying down with (Y/n) pulling him close to his chest.

"Hmm you're cold." (Y/n) grumbled. " Iam?" Todoroki teased as he pressed his right hand up against (Y/n)'s bare skin.

" Shotooo." (Y/n) huffed.

" Yes my love?" Todoroki said rest his head in the crook of (Y/n)'s neck.
M" You're so troublesome." (Y/n) said placing a soft kiss on Todoroki's lips.

" You sound like Bakugou when you say that." Todoroki chuckled as (Y/n) rolled his eyes.

" Okay ICY HOT." (Y/n) said as he rolled back over.

" You're so easy to tease. I love it." Todoroki said pulling (Y/n) closer to him.

" Goodnight Shoto I love you."

" Goodnight (Y/n) I love you too." Todoroki said. 'Where did those two go?' (Y/n) thought as he looked around for Izuku and Todoroki. It was odd for the two to abandon him during patrol.

" So are we going to work on your little problem again tonight?" (Y/n) heard Izuku say.

" Midoriya be a little quieter I don't want (Y/n) to know." Todoroki said.

" Are you really that scared about (Y/n) finding out what we're doing?" Izuku teased him.

" I am. I just don't want him to know right now." Todoroki said, (Y/n) was speechless he didn't know what to think.

Was his husband sleeping their best friend? 'No...Shoto would never cheat on me,, would he?' (Y/n) thought as he walked away from the two. Again that night Todoroki showed up home late, to which he had ne excuse for. He gets off of patrol the same time (Y/n) did that day.

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