Shameless ( Alpha! Todoroki x FAbused! Omega! Reader x Abusive! Alpha! Bakugou)

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Requested by Dabi_Dabi

" Hurry up!" Bakugou yelled as (y/n) slowly walked down the stairs.

" I.. I'm sorry... I'm not feeling well this morning." (y/n) said in an almost hushed voice.

" Did I fucking ask how you were feeling you stupid omega?" He snapped at her grabbing her wrist.

" N-no.. I'm sorry Katsuki." (Y/n) said as the blonde haired alpha dragged her out of her home.

" Stop stumbling around, you're making us look stupid." He snapped at her as (y/n) pushed herself to catch up with him. She was silent as she walked with Bakugou to school.

(Y/n) scrunched her nose up as Bakugou's sent hit her nose, it  used to be the sweetest smell to her the small of caramel, now all it smelled like was gasoline.

(Y/n) couldn't stand the sent he put out onto her, she knew everyone else smelled caramel like she did before but she could only smell a foul odor that she couldn't just get rid of.

" How many more days until your heat?" Bakugou asked glancing at her.

" About three more weeks." She said very quietly. What kind of person asks their omega that in public?

" Damnit, is there anyway for you to speed it up?" Bakugou groaned rolling his eyes. Yes there was some ways she could speed it up but it would put an extreme strain on her body and would cause  more pain during it than anything.

"N-no." She answered looking away from him as they crossed the crosswalk.

Once on the school's campus Bakugou left her side without a word, (y/n) readjusted on her shoulder, she winced as the pain shot through her body.

Bruises covered her body some of them small and some them the size of Bakugou's hand. (Y/n) slowly started to move toward her classroom.

" (Y/n). You dropped these out of your bag." Todoroki said as he tapped the girl's shoulder In his hands rested bandages and a bottle of aloe gel.

" O-oh thank you Todoroki." (Y/n) said as she took the items from his hands.

' Sherbert and Strawberries..' (y/n) thought with a smile.

" It's nice to see you smile for once." Todoroki said as he continued pass (y/n) and making his way to class.

' Yeah I don't smile as much as I used to now that I'm with Bakugou.' She thought shoving the bandages and aloe back into her bag.

During lunch she sat with Bakugou and his friends like usual, she felt her heart drop down to her stomach as he placed his hand on her thigh.

' No, no he wouldn't hurt me here. Not in front of all of his friends.' She thought as her breathing wavered as pain shot through her body.

There was no large boom to alert the others it was only the burning of her skin that alerted (y/n) herself. (y/n) quickly wraps her arm around Bakugou's and pulled him close to her hiding her face against his shoulder.

The pain was so unbearable that it made (Y/n) want to throw up. " Awwe you two are so cute." Mina cheered.

"Are you alright baby girl, you need some alone time with me?" Bakugou said softly as he petted the top her head.

" I need to go to the bathroom." (y/n) said quickly as she ran off grabbing her bag.

Tears poured down her face as ran down the hallway the pain on her thigh screaming out to her. She then crashed against someone.

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