Angelic Voice ( Kaminari x F! " Mute"! Reader)

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(Y/n) sighed as she looked at all the boxes she needed to carry up to her dorm room, ' Better her a head start.' She thought picking up the first box.

" Hey (y/n) wants some help?" Kaminari said with a smile as he picked up a box, she smiled at him nodding.

The walk up to (Y/n)'s dorm room was quiet like usual, see she never talked to anyone which caused her entire class to think she was mute. She saw no wrong in not correcting them, (Y/n) still only communicated with very few off her classmates, one those people being Kaminari. 

" What did you pack in these boxes (Y/n), bricks?" Kaminari said as he stretched out after  helping (Y/n) bring her very last box into her dorm room.

(Y/n) shook her head no with a smile, as she typed out a quick message on her phone, ' No, mostly clothes and some books.'

" Some books? Did you pack and entire box of Bibles?" Kaminari asked as he open one of the boxes and started to help put her things away considering he had already unpacked his things earlier that day.

Kaminari tucked the pillow in his hands inside of the (f/c) pillowcase, a slight smirk came to his lips as he turned around, (Y/n) was faced away from him her back turned as she sat her books up in the order she wanted them on top of her desk.

Kaminari tossed the pillow directly at her, the soft pillow bounced off her head before it drifted down to the ground.

(Y/n) quickly turned around and faced a very happy Kaminari, he smiled at her brightly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

(Y/n) huffed as she picked the pillow up from the ground and walked over to the grinning Kaminari, she then slings the pillow up against the side of his head with a bright smile.

" Hey! I didn't hit you that hard!" He laughed as he picked to the other pillow and hit (Y/n) with it. Their small pillow fight continued on for a while until they got tired.

" I totally won that." Kaminari said with a chuckled as he smiled at the girl laying in the bed beside of him.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and as she shoved him out the bed sticking her tongue out at him. Kaminari laughed as he sat up in the floor staring at his friend.

' She's gorgeous.' He thought as a pillow was tossed at his face.

" Okay! I see you want to go another round!" Kaminari cheered as he picked the pillow tossing it at (Y/n), she put her arms up in front of her face blocking the pillow, Kaminari laughed happily as she tossed it back at him then quickly taking cover under her blankets.

She wanted to laugh with Kaminari she really did but she didn't want to expose herself.

" Maybe we should come back to her dorm later sounds like their having fun." Ochako said as she waved the group of girls forward.

Few weeks had went by and everyone seemed to have noticed how much the pair had gotten since they moved into the dorms.

" Hey you guys go on ahead I'll catch up, I'm going to go ask (Y/n) if she wants to come." Kaminari said as he waved to his friends as he headed towards the dorm building was practically a ghost town since everyone had  left to do something that Friday.

" Huh? I wonder who that is." Kaminari mumbled to himself as he heard singing coming from the dorm building laundry room, he completely forgot about (Y/n) and followed the melodic voice.

" Sway, sway, swaying between the waves. Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift into the distance .The dreaming jellyfish sing their song and sleep on the gentle shore. Sway, sway, swaying, a ray of light.Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift to you.No matter when, as long as this song echoes out . In many colors, they hang in the clear sky Sway, sway, swaying between the waves .Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift into the distance. The dreaming jellyfish play their song. Sparkle, sparkle, sparkling, their voices drift to you." 

Kaminari  stood in shock as he listen to the soft voice sing, that voice was coming from (Y/n) as she folded clothes and sung to herself thinking she was all alone, eyes only parting from the clothes once she finished singing.

" (Y/n)... that was a beautiful." Kaminari said softly, (Y/n) quickly cover her mouth. Was he going be angry with her for lying to him, was he going to leave her lonely?

" I wish you would've been singing and talking to me sooner." Kaminari chuckled as he sat down beside of her.

"Y-You're not mad?" She stuttered out.

" Why would I be mad? You just didn't correct me or anyone else when we made a wrong assumption. I think you probably  didn't like talking much when you first got here." Kaminari said with a smile, in a few minutes of silence Kaminari  laid his in her lap.

" You should sing again for me (Y/n)." Kaminari said as soft song was sung again as finished folding her laundry with Kaminari laying in her lap. 

Kaminari sat up placing his hand at the back her head gently pushing her in for a soft kiss.

" I love you, (Y/n)." Kaminari said.

" I love you too, Kaminari." (Y/n) said happily with a smile. Kaminari soon found himself hearing her sing more and more often when it was just the two of them, the only other person to know about (Y/n)'s voice was Eri.

Kaminari still remembered the day he walked into her dorm room seeing tiny blue illusions of jellyfish drift around the room as she sung to the smaller girl by this time knows the song by heart and joined in with her.

Eri smile as pointed one the jellyfish sending it drifting off in another direction. 

" This song is our little secret okay?" (Y/n) said with a smile holding her pinkie out to Eri who wrapped her around the older girls. Kaminari kissed (Y/n)'s cheek with a smile.

" Yeah our little secret." Kaminari said winking at Eri.

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