You don't have to say you love me ( Iida x F!Reader)

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(Y/n) and Iida had grew up together, the went the same school together even spent some nights at each other houses.

" Tenya, which hero school are you going to?" (Y/n) asked as she dangled her legs off the side of his bed as he sat at his writing desk.

" UA. Where are you going?" He said turning slightly to glance at her.

" UA with you." She said with a smile. Iida smoked slightly back at her.

" If I didn't know any better I'd stay you want to stay by my side forever (y/n)." He teased.

" W-What no way! You're my best friend Tenya! And wanna stay friends until you decide to give me up! For some pretty girl or boy!" (Y/n) said causing her friend to chuckle at her.

" I won't give you up for some pretty girl or boy. We've been together since we were in diapers. They either take both of us or none of us." Iida said turning back around to his desk.

" Aww! Tenya that's sweet!" (Y/n) cheered hopping up from the bed and wrapping her arms around him in a hug from behind.

"(Y/n)! I'm trying write!" Iida said laughing.

" So what?! I'm going to hug you!" (Y/n) said laughing as she ruffled up his dark blue hair with a bright smile. During the entrance exam for UA (Y/n) was able to score enough points to get into the Hero Course.

' Another 3 years with him.' (Y/n) as she folded up the letter and tucked it inside of her writing desk.

She was excited to go to UA and be involved in the hero program with Iida until she found out there was a quirk apprehension test.

" Tenya I'm going to fail. We both my quirk isn't any good unless something bad is going to happen!" (Y/n) said in a panic.

" (Y/n) you'll do just fine. You're physically fit so that will work in your favor even though you can't really use your quirk for the test." Iida said patting her head with a smile.

" You better be right Tenya.I don't want to get kicked out of the hero program this early." (Y/n) said sighing, her quirk would only active under certain circumstances, those circumstances being someone is danger.

When her quirk activates it comes with a set of powers, she gets foresight this allows her to be able to see the danger when and where it will happen and who will be involved, a pair of white wings appear on her back allowing her to quickly get to the area of danger, a large burst of strength, and finally a protective shield to protect those in danger.

A very harsh draw back of this quirk is that when she exhausted or has overworked herself none of the abilities will work. She never expected that there would be a quirk apprehension test, even with Iida reassuring her (y/n) didn't believe there was even a chance that she could pass.(Y/n) looked at the tennis ball in her hand.

" Don't worry you're going to do just fine!" Iida cheered from the sideline. (Y/n) gulped.

' All those years pitching baseballs with Tenya and Tensi don't fail me now.' (Y/n) thought as she threw the ball,

" A little over 300 hundred meters. If you would have used your quirk then it most likely would have went farther." Aizawa said writing her score down.

"You didn't  get the lowest placement but you were close. You'll never be a hero if you can't use you're quirk. You didn't use it in a single one of these trails." Aizawa said.

" Yes, sir I know. I'll try harder." (Y/n) said as she walked over to the group.

" You did fine don't beat yourself up over it." Iida said.

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