Bloody love ( Yandere!Bakugou x F!Reader)

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Requested by PastryBoyWrites

" Hey Bakugou you good?" (Y/n) panted as she pushed the rubble off her her body.

" I'm fine." He panted as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

" The fuck got away." Bakugou growled.

" But I got what we came for. Look trigger." (Y/n) said as she held up the bottle of the black liquid.

" At least we got the one of the two things we came here for." Bakugou said helping (y/n) up.

" Don't worry I'm sure you'll get to beat his ass next time, if you don't I will." (Y/n) said.

"You kick that guys ass? Don't make me laugh." Bakugou said as they made their way back to their hero agency.

It was almost midnight when (y/n) finally decided to clock out, " I'm heading home Bakugou. Call me if you find anything." (Y/n) yawned grabbing her bag and heading for the door.

" Yeah I'll do that." Bakugou said as he opened the the file in front of him.

' He's been spending a lot of time with (y/n) recently.. doesn't this stupid mutt actually think he's good enough for her?' Bakugou running his finger tip over the edge of the flies pages.

' This dumb bastard Akaashi. Does he really think I'll let just slip into his arms? Tch.' Bakugou thought until he pulled open a compartment in his desk.

' This should do the trick.' Bakugou thought as he left the office shoving whatever was in his hand into his pocket. Bakugou's red eyes glanced at the numbers as they slowly went up.

' There it is.' He thought walking to the houses door, he looked around to make sure was completely alone before picking the lock to the home. '

'Try stealing  (y/n) again ya bastard.' Bakugou thought as he walked inside of the home.

" (Y/n) we've got a drug bust you coming?" Bakugou said as he stopped at her office.

"Yeah I''my way don't wait up I'll see you there." (Y/n) said as she hopped up from her desk, she could clearly see a small smile on Bakugou's face before he jogged off ' Must be the guy from yesterday.' She thought quickly putting her hero uniform on before rushing away.

Once on the scene she noticed the house she was at, out of the door came Bakugou with Akaashi's arms twisted behind his back and he slammed him up against the police cruiser.

" Dyanmight ! I think you have the wrong guy!" (Y/n) said quickly.

" Are you seriously telling me, I have the wrong guy while I have him slammed up against this cruiser?" Bakugou growled.

" Tell him (y/n)! That bastard won't listen to me!" Akaashi snapped.

" I've known Akaashi for years! There's no way he has Trigger." (Y/n) said in the man's defense.

" I wouldn't be so sure about that broette." Kirishima said as he held up two bottles of trigger.

" Akaashi.." she said almost in a whisper.

"I fucking told you." Bakugou growled as he shoved the other male into the cruiser slamming.

"We're fucking partners (y/n), you have to believe me when it comes to this shit you understand." Bakugou said.

" Yeah I get it. Sorry I didn't listen to you." (Y/n) said as she looked away from Bakugou.

Over  the next few weeks she noticed that more and more people she was close with were being arrested on hard drug charges, she knew some of these would to terrified of their own mothers to even touch a drug like trigger

. Something just wasn't settling right with (y/n). " Hey, Hey broette." Kirishima said as he entered her office.

" Hey Kiri, what's up?" (Y/n) asked with a smile, her worries seemed to have melted away when Kirishima was around her no matter how much stress she was under he was always there to make things better.

" I have this huge hero meet up today, and I need to have someone go with me . Would you be that someone ?" He asked with a smile rubbing the back of his neck.

" Oh! Yeah sure not a problem!" She cheered.

' He knew... I was the one who fucking told him! I love her why is trying to take her away from me!?' Bakugou thought gritting his teeth as he listened in on the remainder of the conversation.

' The world won't miss one less hero will it?' Bakugou as his lips curled up in a twisted smile. That night Bakugou let himself into Kirishima's house.

" Alright Bro which one?" Kirishima said hold two suits up.

" Wait... Text and ask (y/n) what the color of her dress is for me." Kirishima said as Bakugou picked up his phone, he did text (y/n) but not what he was told too.

" You know, Kirishima we've been friends since high school. I've liked (y/n) since High school, and I've told you this before." Bakugou said standing up from his sitting position.

" What? Bakubro I'm not taking her on a date, she's just going as like pretend date so I don't get bothered by other woman." Kirishima said as he felt the dangerous aura coming from Bakugou.

" She clearly doesn't know that, so you were going to lie and hurt her? Pathetic Kirishima!" Bakugou yelled grabbing Kirishima by the shirt collar.

" Bakugou you need to calm down damn it!" Kirishima yelled grabbing ahold of Bakugou's wrist.

" I was just going to plant drug in your house just like everyone else but you're so disgusting you don't deserve that! A simple life in prison wouldn't suit someone like you." Bakugou said as he smirked.

" You're the one who cause all of (y/n)'s friends time get arrested!? You're messed up Bakugou! You're fucking obsessed with (y/n)." Kirishima yelled.

" Fuck yeah I am." Bakugou said with a smirk slamming his hand in Kirishima's faces blowing it off completely. " It's a real shame you didn't try to harden. Could have saved your useless life." Bakugou said looking at the blood on his hand. (Y/n) knocked on Kirishima's apartment door, she waited a few minutes but no answer. (Y/n) opened the door and walked inside. " Kiri?" She said looking around the apartment until she found him dead and bloody on his bedroom floor. " Kirishima!" She screamed as she collapsed on her knees next to him, in a split second she felt something, maybe a bat, crash against the back of her skull and knock her out. When she woke Bakugou was crouched down in front of her, she felt chains around her wrist. " Bakugou? What's going on? We have to go help Kirishima!" She yelled struggling. " You're all locked up alone with me and he's all you think about (y/n)? He's not going to bother you again. And since you can't seem to keep men off of you, you'll stay right here, with me." Bakugou said with a softly smile as he cupped her face pulling her into a kiss. She bit his lip cause blood to pour from it once he pulled back she spit it into his face. " Fuck, that was hot (y/n). I bet I can make you bleed too." Bakugou said with a smirk.

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