The other girl ( Todoroki x F!Reader)

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(Y/n) never really saw what her and Todoroki as a relationship. To which it really wasn't, getting promised off to each other made it to where they'd never be a true relationship between them.

They rarely even saw each other, expect for the days that Enji had set up with her father for them to sit and spend time with each other. (Y/n) didn't even know who Todoroki's friends where, what his ambitions were, what his favorite food, or who was his favorite sibling.

She just wanted to make it work,but she knew you can force two broken pieces to tigger her and expect them to fix themselves. He was always distant, you could say the same for her, but she was trying she was trying so hard to be someone Todoroki would like.

"So how is it going with the Todoroki boy?" Shindo asked as they sat down for lunch.

" Can... we not talk about him?" (Y/n) said in a hushed voice as her eye traveled down to her food refusing to look at her friend.

Hey, is he treating you alright? Do Nakagame and I need to go have a 'talk' with him?" Shindo asked as she started to frantically shaking her head.

"No, no. He's treating me just fine." She lied, it had came more of a frequent thing since she was arranged to marry Todoroki after they both finished school.

" Oi. Listen, you're the strongest and smartest first years on this campus, you know how lucky you are to get to train and work with the second years this early. I don't want some idiot from UA to fuck that up for you." Shindo said as she looked up at him.

" Yeah... I know. Can we just talk about something else?" (Y/n) asked.

" I-..... Yeah we can." He answered her as Nakagame finally joined them for lunch. (Y/n) used to be a very bubbly and energetic person but ever since Todoroki was forced into her life she wasn't the same, she lost that bubbly personality and it was replaced with a hushed and confined one, all her friends could see the change and they all just wanted her back. But at this point it seemed almost impossible to do that.

(Y/n) slowly walked through the city taking a few buses until she arrived at the stop closest to the Todoroki estate. She clenched the strap of her school bag as she started walking down the street.

' It's just an hour... you just need to be with him for an hour.' She thought as she came close to the estate.

" Hey Shoto." She said happily with a smile as she entered his room sitting her stuff down off to the side.

He glanced over at her before returning to text in his phone. (Y/n) slipped behind him on his bed wrapping her arms around him hugging.

"How was your day?" She said softly.

"Please let go of me, (y/n)." He said as he put his phone down in the nightstand. (Y/n) tensed up giving him a slight hug before letting go of him.

" Sorry." (Y/n) said in a hushed voice.

"Don't be." Todoroki said patting the top of her head.

"'C... Can we cuddle Shoto?" She said glancing down at her lap.

" I'm sorry but I don't want to right now (y/n). To answer you question before my day at school was exhausting. It was an all day training no breaks in between. How was your day?" He said turning to face her.

"Nothing as interesting as your day. It was all class day with a 30 minute training period." She said. She noticed his phone on the nightstand started to vibrate so much it was readying to fall off of its place.

" You.. can answer it. I'll step out to the bathroom." (Y/n) said as she started to get up.

" No. it's fine. I'll call them back later." Todoroki said, before he turned his attention to his bedroom door, in the hallway he could hear heavy steps coming that way.

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