Hellebore (Shigaraki x F! Kidnapped! Reader)

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⚠️WARRING: Mentions of sexual assault!!⚠️

Mafia AU
"We're leaving today." Yagi said to the two teenagers in front of him.

" Is... safe to leave?" (Y/n) said, as Yagi took a deep breath.

" It'll never be safe to leave be I need to get you two out of this city it's too dangerous for the successors one for all to be here with HIM roaming the streets and practically owning the city." Yagi explained to them.

" Right." Izuku said nodding.

" (y/n) the most at risk right now, she doesn't have near the type of control you do Izuku.when we leave you stay close to her while I lead the way out of the city." Yagi said.

" I will. I'll keep her safe." Izuku said flashing a smile at (y/n).

" Yeah... You always do Izuku, I'm not worried." (Y/n) said looking off to the side.

" We'll leave later tonight." Yagi said as Izuku and (y/n) went back to their room. " (y/n), when we get out of the city, I want to show you how to use 20%." Izuku said with a smile as he packed a few clothes into a small bag.

" I was a waste, you never should have given me your quirk." (Y/n) said,

" Hey! You just need to taught! That's it then you'll be just as strong as me and All Might." Izuku said patting her head.

" Do you really think so?" (Y/n) asked glancing up at him as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

" I know so (y/n)." He said smiling.

" A kiss isn't alway going to work." (Y/n) said.

" But I worked this time didn't it? If not I'll just have to kiss you again." Izuku said resting his forehead on yours.

"Guess you'll just have to kiss me again." (Y/n) said as his lips were placed over hers again in a soft kiss. Later that night Yagi brought both of the successors from the underground bunker, and careful combed the city streets.

They were still buzzing even for it to be late at night. Izuku held tightly onto (y/n) with his free hand as other kept his hood pulled down, (y/n) did the same with her free hand.

Red eyes narrowed at her from the other side of the street. ' There they are. About time they crept out of hiding.' He thought pushing his way through the crowd.

A large blue flame exploding out into the street caused the people to scatter in fear as a man appeared in from of the group of three. Izuku shoved (y/n) behind him.

" You thought you could escape me? It's really pathetic." Shigaraki said pulling a trigger to a gun shooting Yagi on sight.

Shigaraki jerked Izuku away from (y/n) and placed the gun against the side of his head with a sick and twisted smile,

" No!" (Y/n) screamed watching Izuku trying to fight against the man's grip.

" Run! Run (y/n)!" Izuku screamed at her elbowing Shigaraki in the gut and punching him in the face. The trigger was soon pulled, blood flew pass (y/n), Izuku's dead body crashed harshly in from of her.

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