Trouble And Bath Time

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Oh sprinkles here comes trouble...

I make my way back to the office to find a very angry Ashton. He's back is towards me and his pacing and running his hand through his hair. I leave the door open so I can escape when he tries to punish me.

He turns around and when he sees me he runs and picks me up. Well so much for escaping. He hugs me so tight if he goes a little tighter I'll pop. What if that's what he wants. Oh no he's gonna kill me. Why'd I have to go pee. Now I'm gonna die. He sets me down and let's out a sigh of relief. "I thought you were hurt or taken. What were you thinking!" he raises his voice at the last part and I get scared. I make a run for the corner and curl up in a ball. They use to yell at my in the dongen before they whip me or use a knife and it sorta scared me. OK fine it really scared me. He's bigger than muscle man and 'Boss' (the people who tortured her) He saw he was scaring me and came up to me. His voice once again went back to soft. "Hey sorry baby I was just worried something hapend I didn't mean to raise my voice." "S-sor-ry I ha-d t-to p-p-pee." Danm voice. "Oh honey I'm so sorry I didn't know. How bout we go home and get you into a nice bath how does that sound." I just nod and let him carry me to the car.


When we got home we walked straight to his room. He picked out one of his shirts and leggings for me to wear. We made our way to the enseite and he sat me on the counter and filled up the tub. When he was done he began undressing me. Wait what no,no,no,no. He's never done this. I began to panic and he saw it. "Hey baby don't worry. I'm gonna leave your underwear on. I won't see you naked." with that I calmed down. He picked me up and set me in the warm relaxing water. He put shampoo on his and and messaged my skull. After he was done he washed the rest of my body while I played with the bubbles. After he finished he left and let me finish. I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. He came to me and once again picked me up. I was to tired to argue and let him lay me down.


Hey guys this is a short chapter and I know all of them are short but I like it that way. Don't worry the this was a fillir chapter the next one Wil give some shocking info so as soon as I publish it go check it out. Sorry for the slow updates but I'll try and Finnish this book as soom as possible cause school is starting soon and then I'll be hela busy. Love youse thanks for the reads. Vote and coment please I would like to hear your opinions and idias.

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