What The...

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I was struggling to stay afloat when strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me up. "Gocha" Ashton said. Wait Ashton. It was Ashton. "Sorry but Jhonn had o throw you in te lake for te other gang to believe your dead." he said and kissed my cheek.

Wait what so I got kidnapped from my kidnappers to be kidnapped but it was a ggod kidnap. OK I'm just gonna stop saying that word.

We went home... Home? Hu that's sounds nice. Eny way we went home and I took a bath and ate a whole plate stuffed with food. We whached TV and then went to bed.

Later that night I woke up to a strange grumble notice. I follow it down stairs and start to get worried. Its coming from the kitchen. I enter the kitchen to find...

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