New Live.

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It's been a week since I woke up apparently I've been out for 4 months. It's been nice, but the guy that saved me. Aston, he hasn't let me let me leave his room and no one can see me except for him. He's supper over protective and still scares me but he says he's doing it cause I'm the angel that cept his sister alive,his angel. So I guess if he's happy it's ok.

I was sitting on his giant bed and heard a knock on the door before Ashton came in. "Heyy..." he said in a soft voice. He's been doing that every time for some reason but I appreciate it. I heard him yelling before he's supper scarry.

"So my little angel I have to go out today and don't want to leave you here alone so your coming with me." he said in his soft voice. I just looked at him I haven't said a word to him even with that soft calming voice he scares me. "So umm I brought you some clothes..." he came into the room fully and closed the door behind him. He came up to me and put the clothes on the edge of his bed. He came up to my and lifted me by my armpits. I whimpered and saw sadness in his eyes. "Shhh don't worry little angel I will never in my life hurt you and as long as I live no one ever will again." he picked me up and this time I let him. He carry me to his big in sweet bathroom and sets me on the counter top. Oh yeah he also doesn't leave me alone while I'm bathing he fills up the bath helps me with my shirt since my arms still hurts then he turns around to let me undress and get into the tub. He does respect my privacy cause he puts lots of bubbles in and only washes where the bubbles doesn't cover then he leaves and sits outside the bathroom till I'm done. He comes back in to help me with my shirt cause once again my arms still hurt my legs to so I can't realy walk much.

After my bath he picks me up again and carry me to the bed he combs my hair and takes me out the room. Wow this is the first time I've been out since they found me. He takes me to a car and we our on our way.


Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long since I updated. But also thanks for the reads and votes I appreciate all of you and hope you enjoy it.

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