Part 2 Kidnapped 2

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I woke up in a lot of pain and it was darkness again. I realized I was untied but was too weak to get up. The sell door squeaked open. O no he's come back for more torture I thought to myself. With all the strength I had I lifted my head to see the man from yesterday or earlier today. I don't know. With another person over his shoulder. He threw the person down and walked out. I dragged myself over to the body and saw a girl who looked about 15 or 16 no older than 17. She was beautiful. She then opened her eyes. She had beautiful eyes to. "Hii what's your name" I asked. Yeah I know I'm kidnapped and in a sell with a girl and I ask her name. "L-lexi. Your n-not going to h-hurt me are you." awww she's so sweet her voice is so soft. "No I'm not. I'm in the same position as you at the moment." I told her softly. "O-oh so who are you?""I'm Lilly and I'm 18."she nods and says" I'm 15 I turn 16 in 2 weeks. " that's when I swore to myself I would protect her as well as I can.

I kept my promise. Every time muscle man comes and wants too hurt her I throw my body in the way. It was worth it she didn't have a scar on her.

We've been here for 4 days. I think. All I know is that each beating just gets worse. He keeps saying that he's only keeping us alive because 'Boss' wants us alive. It went on like this for a while and Lexi keeps on promising that when her brother comes they'll take me with.

The beatings continues till then. He opened the sell door and I prepared for the torture. But today he just stands there. "Well my darlings today you'll meet the boss." he says with his usual evil smirk. Another guy walks in his bigger than muscle man and also have a bunch of tattoos. He had bigger muscles with blonde hair. He was quite handsome. Snap out of it he's the one that kidnapped you and made the other man torture you I thought.

He made his way over to Lexi and grabbed her chin. I was about to stop him but he put up his other hand. "Sorry princess but you have to wait your turn. Don't worry she'll be quick. Just eliminate her and we can have our fun." my eyes went wide. He was going to kill her. He grabbed her and took her out of the cell while I sat there helpless.

Just then the door burst open...

Hey guys so here's chapter 2 you'll meet the next main character in the next chapter so just hold on I had to write the first 2 chapters for the story to make sense.

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