Saved But Broken

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Ashton POV

It's been 4 months. She's just laying there some times I don't even know if she's still alive. The angel that sacrificed herself to save my sister is now laying on a hospital bed with wires hooked up to her and has been in a koma for 4 MONTHS.


"Boss you're needed at the where house your father says some of the shipments have just gone missing." and I loose it. "HOW CAN SHIPMENTS JUST GO MISSING CAN'T YOU SEE I HAVE ANOTHER PROBLEM TO DEAL WITH. SHE SAVED MY SISTER'S LIVE THE SAME SISTER YOU NUKELHEADS COULD NOT TRACK IF IT WEREN'T FOR HER YOUR FUTURE DONNA WOULD BE DEAD!!!" I yell. He whimpers and ran out. I take a deep breath. I'm a gang leader danm sake I can't loose my cool over a girl I don't even know yet.


Layla's POV

I opened my eyes with a struggle and heard yelling. Oh no the men are back coming to torture me. Oh no! I slowly open my eyes and adjust the to light. I grown as I try to sit up. "No, no lie back down." a big hand pushed me back down. I look up at a handsome man. As I looked in the man's eyes memories came back I was saved but umm how can I trust them. Saved but broken beyond preparing.

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