Finally Free...sorta

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                    Dedicated to Ifyourhonest1
Who is so loyal.
Two weeks of being Babied and now I've just about had enough!

We woke up and I decided now was time to talk to him. "He-hey As-ton can we t-talk." danm I stutered. "Yeah sure what you need?"

"Umm...." OK no more stuttering.

"Well you see umm I'm fully healed now and can walk and do things for myself so can you please stop pestering me so much?"

"Well I'm just worried about you I promised to protect you with my life."
"I know and I'm grateful for that, but I veel trapped."

"OK I can't promise to let you go completely but maby you can start walking more and bathe yourself and maby you can go out with my sister today since you need clothes. I was gonne take you but I get you need space. Although I will be having bodyguards everywhere in descise to protect you if there's danger."

" Thank you so much"I yelled and leaped into his arms. "Oh and one more thing I Wil drop you of and pick you up. I don't want Velentino to get you after what hapend a few weeks ago."

Oh yeah you all must be wondering who Valentino is well his Mr muscle man. Jup the one who kidnapped and stabbed me and also the one who was smiling through the window a few weeks back. Renember him? Yeah. Wel hears what happened.


I did the only logical thing I screamed. That's when he's smile grew and he tried to open the window. Luckily Ashton came running in since the door can't lock. He took of all the locks. He ran to me looking more worried than I've ever seen him before. "What! What's wrong." I just started sobbing and pointed to the window to find Mr muscle man gone and just a handprint in his place.

Flashback over

After that he doubled security and was even more clingy.

So now I'm out with Lily and she said we could grab something to eat before we start cause we're gonna be hear long. Oh well at least I'm not being carried around from meeting to meeting.

Never again we were here for 6 hours buying clothes. I'm not even gonna be able to wear all of these. This is enough to keep for my children's children. OK maby I'm being over dramatic. So we bought 30 hoedies literally every time I look at something and touch it she puts it in the cart. We got a bunch of t-shirts, crop tops, sweaters, cropped sweaters blouses, jeans, leggings, gowns(Don't know why), summer dresses, shorts, swimsuits (both one and two peace) , five sets of pj and 3 onesies (don't judge their comfy. And of course undergarments but I won't go into detail on that. Lily and I took all the things to her car and we went to each a movie.
"So how was today?" Lilly asked.
"Fun I realy enjoyed it."
"Great well hears my brother have fun I'll bring the clothes by later."
"Sure see ya."

I got in the car and we went home as soon as we got there Ashton once again picked me up and carried me to bed I was so tired I couldn't argue.
So what you guys think please vote and comment this was just a fillir chapter the next one will be existing. Thanks you guys love you lots thanks for the reads. I'll update as soon as possible.

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