Ashton Pov

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I walked out of the bathroom and couldn't find Layla eny where. She was here before I went to the bathroom. I went to my sister's room to see if she's there but my sister seemed a little busy. I looked in the kitchen bathrooms bedrooms(that weren't occupied) even the library. Lastly I checked my office and my blood boiled. On my white board was a note written: Thanks for the gift Maragati. She's a buaty and now that she's so close to you I can use her for both purchases. The one I originally planed and the one that will ruin the whole Maragati business... Legal and elegal.

He took her. I lost my angel again...

3 weeks later...

We still haven't seen her anywhere I've sent search party's out to every location I could think of even Alaska. She's gone my baby girl is gone. I can't find her.

I know who took her from me. He ain't a idiot he knows what I'm capable of. So he eather has a death whish or he has this plan of his 10 steps ahead. I miss her. I was even so desperate as to go look in our room under the bed in hopes it's a prank and she's playing hide and seek.

5 months later

She's still nowhere to be seen I can't find her and the idiot keeps sending me videos of her being torched or hit or cut. Every single time it's a different location. I've hunted down his men and tried to get info out of them but it's no use. They took the secrets to their Graves. Literally.


Hey guys so school was hectic but it's a week vacation now. IL try and post as much as possible and end the book before I go to school. Love you guys so much. Thanks for all the reads and sorry for the short chapters.

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