The Office

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After a long car ride Ashton picks me up and carry's me into a big building. We enter and every one was starting at us. I blushed and hid my face in his neck.

"Hey, hey baby girl calm down they won't do anything" he soothed me and it sorta worked. We reached a big office and wow it sure was amazing.


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e sets me down on the desk chair and says"Ok look baby girl I have 2 meetings today so youl have to stay here please don't leave the office for any purposes. "although the last part sounded more like a beg. I nod and he leaves the office. After a few minutes he comes back and hands me a cup of something, I think it's coffee, his I pad. I've seen it before he gives it to me when he's about to leave for a while.

He bids me goodbye with a kiss on the fore head he does that alot to and walks out I'm assuming to his meeting.


It's been forever! OK maby like 2 hours but still. I was bored. He said I wasn't aloud to leave the office but I had to pee. Unless he wants me to do it on his floors I sorta have to leave the office. I stand up and walk out of the big wooden doors. Into the aria that has small cubicles. OK now to find the bathroom.

I've been walking for a few minutes now and really have to pee. Where is the bathrooms. OK now I know what you're thinking why don't you just ask one of the workers. There's a simple awnser... I did and they looked at me with wide eyes and walked away mumbling "boss is going to kill us". Whoever 'boss' is clearly isn't some one I wanna run into.

After a few more second I finally found it. The bathrooms that is not 'boss'. After I finish my business I start making my way back I hear a loud Boise yell my name.

Oh sprinkles hear comes trouble...


Hey guys so here's another chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Just a heads up the pictures in this book are not mine I got hem from pintrest. So ya sorry for the slow updates but here this one enjoy.

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