The End??

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I walk in to the kitchen to find

The guy who kidnapped me and threw me into the lake. My natural reaction was to scream... So I dis

Ashton came running in and saw what was going on he started laughing. He freaking laughed.

"Sorry baby girl but this is Frank he won't hurt a fly he just looks scarry."

Five months later

So it's been five months since I've been with Ashton we're an official couple. Everything is going well lexi got a boyfriend to Ashton ain't happy but he has to live with it. Frank is now my personal body gaurd and his doing a great job. Haven't been kidnapped yet.

This is the end of my story.....


So this is the end I veel like this story is badly written so I'm going to rewrite it with more deatale.

I'm going to keep this version up so you guys can read it but also gonna rewrite it.

I veel like I wanna write the whole story before posting it so it may take awhile. Thank you guys so much for your support and I really appreciate you guys.

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