Annoyingly Being Babied.

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It's been 2 months and every days the same. Wake up, Ashton bathes me, we go to the office, he caries me to all his meetings, we go home, eat, he gives me another bath and then I go to bed while he does whatever.

It's so annoying. I don't get to walk eny where. I don't get to feed myself, bath myself or even talk for myself. He always awnsers all people questions for me. I've seen his sister,the one with me in the sell. Not even she was allowed to talk to me.


Right now I'm sitting on his bed cause his in the shower. He wanted me in the bathroom with him,but that was where I put my foot down. This is literally the only time I'm alone and not with Ashton.

A while later his phone rings so I awnsered it. "H-helo?" "Who is this where's Ashton are you one of his new sluts?" those words made tears come to my eyes. "W-wh-at?" "Oh are you dea-" she was cut of when the phone was removed from my hands. Tears were now ful on streaming. "Stella why are you calling me.... Yes.... No I was in the shower.... What!.... Well your already in trouble.... She's not a made her cry.... Don't interrupt me your in trouble that's final Jace will deal with you." with that he ended the call and picked me up. Again. But this time it was comforting. I liked it." Shhh baby it's ok she won't hurt you again. "he comforted me. After a while of him rocking me and me crying his shirt wet. I fell asleep.


I woke up and checked the time 2:30 I had to pee. Oh did I forget to mention Ashton said I pee to much and said he's gonna put me in diapers. I got scared and he saw it so he said it was just a joke.

Anyway I got up and went to the bathroom. After I finished I washed my hands and looked in the mirior. That's when I saw mister muscle man with a smirked and I did to only logical thing.... I yelled.
So guys here's this umm I changed Ashtons photo at the cast and also at the biginig of the chapter.So Chek it out.

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