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jeonghan hummed as he finished changing then casually chanting a spell before leaving his room.

it was about to be noon when he left the house, he sure did promise the two lovers he would be present during lunch time inside the premises of the orphanage.

he drove about half an hour regardless the ten minutes traffic back at down town.

his parents house rather to be called his house now is not really seen in the city or crowded place.

his parents kept it hidden and alone in the countryside not to be bothered by the people not like in the city. 

jeonghan picked up his pace and sped up to the center of the city, the heart of their country; seoul.

jisoo sent him the location the night before, as jeonghan double cheked his location he found himself parking his car at the front of a big building.

he hopped of his car and saw the big letters written in cursive ; happy smiles orphanage for devils and angels.

jeonghan smiled just reading their orphanage name, he shook his head then locked his car before walking towards the gate of the building.

it wasn't any modern type of building hence it was a home like, very cozy and relaxing from what he sees just by standing outside.

jeonghan's smile was kept there until he reached the warm and cozy atmosphere of the orphanage, he hears squealing and laughter once he stepped inside the building.

he was greeted by the receptionist's table with two boys there, they were both humans since angel when in disguise can hide their real selves from humans by using a common spell to make illusions.

but when an angel sees another angel in disguise they see their halos and wings.

"good morning sir welcome to happy smiles orphanage, are you here to adopt sir?" the guy whose much taller than him smiled as he says his greetings, there wasn't much people around maybe because the orphanage is still new.

"uh i'm actually here for seungcheol and jisoo, my name's jeonghan" he said smiling back to the receptionist in his peach uniform.

"oh hello sir, they told me about you let me escort you sir" the receptionist bowed then said something to his co-worker and the other guy smiled then nodded.

the tall receptionist got out from their table and stood beside jeonghan.

"this way sir" he said pointing the way into one of many hallways.

jeonghan took a glance at the receptionist's name tag it happens to be 'kim mingyu'.

"so your name's mingyu?" jeonghan lit a little conversation between them since it was such a walk before they could reach where seungcheol and jisoo is at.

"yes sir" mingyu's hands were both behind him as he walked beside jeonghan.

"quit with the 'sir' just jeonghan"

"but sir seungcheol said you were going to be one of our donators" mingyu reasoned out, still insisting with the honorifics.

"just because i am doesn't mean you will always be formal to me" jeonghan smiled and mingyu mirrored his too.

"alright, jeonghan hyung" jeonghan nodded "so who's the other guy back there?"  jeonghan asked then looked at the taller who's smile is getting wider and wider, his cheeks tinting with pink almost red.

"oh my co-worker seokmin, lee seokmin"

jeonghan smiled as he nodded figuring out that they were passing a couple of rooms labeled by numbers.

"is he a special someone?" jeonghan asked as mingyu nodded keeping his head low to hide his tomato face.

"how sweet, he seems really kind though" jeonghan compliments mingyu's boyfriend as the younger just nodded with a grin.

"we're here" mingyu announced not taking the talk any further, he opened the dirty white double door as he saw employees hustling and busy on making many tables ready.

this must be their cafeteria.

"i need to return to my station si- i mean jeonghan hyung, sir seungcheol and jisoo must be in the kitchen" mingyu smiles as jeonghan waved him goodbye before he exited the cafeteria.

as if on cue seungcheol exits the door that must be the kitchen.

"since when did you learn to cook?" jeonghan asked as he walks closer to his best friend.

"i was just helping jisoo" he smiled his gums showing.

jisoo then exits the same door, when his eyes landed on jeonghan he squealed just like the other kids in their perspective rooms.

jisoo hopped happily towards his best friend too, arms open he then embraced the older into a warm hug.

"thank you" jisoo said as when he released jeonghan from his tight hug.

jeonghan just smiled towards the two whispering "it's nothing"

"the kids will be here in a few min-"

"seungcheol hyung, jisoo hyung minghao hyung said he needs help carrying the big pot" the three turned their heads towards the brunette boy who just came out of the kitchen.

"oh wait let me call mingyu and wonwoo for that" seungcheol smiled and excused himself then went out of the cafeteria.

jeonghan's eyes widen when he saw the younger's eyes.

"thank you, channie you can call the others now" the younger seems clueless and nodded towards them.

the younger exited the cafeteria without another word.

jeonghan faced jisoo with a serious face.

"i wanna adopt someone"

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