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jeonghan stood beside seungcheol while he watched the kids eat, the adults who have surpassed the age of 24 looks young too that they don't have do insecure about being with kids.

the devils and angels get along well, jisoo and seungcheol said it wasn't that easy to combine them.

"i heard everyone calls you dad" seungcheol said as he looked at the kids "you get along with them quickly" he smiled.

"they were so kind, jisoo also loves them so much" jeonghan said while he looked at jisoo giving the children chocolates for deserts.

"where are the twins?" he asked seungcheol, talking about their twins jinhe and jicheon.

"at school, were planning to enrol everyone to school though its too tough to enrol them all one school won't accept their amount" seungcheol sighed "and most schools doesn't really accept devils"

jeonghan looked at the kids who must have futures with them even though they don't age, they must live their lives here until they receive their official pardon.

"i have a suggestion" jeonghan faced seungcheol while smiling "i'll buy them a school"

seungcheol was taken back for a while before talking again

"wait what? you can?"

"yes, someone i know has been offering me to buy his private school from him since he's going to live in other country" jeonghan explained as he looked at seungcheol who was speechless for a while.

"but jeonghan we didn't even expect you'd donate in dollars, jisoo even said there were 8 digits there you don't need to buy them their own school we can look if ther-"

"cheol, i want them to have something to learn to and something to keep them occupied for them not to remember how their parents abandoned them" jeonghan showed the older a small smile before looking back to the children happily eating.

"i was lucky to be casted out already aged, not like them who were left here to eventually forget they're supposed to be sane" he smiled bitterly of how the everything is unfair.

all angels and devils are the most unlucky when they got casted out or left here in earth.

all human experience through out their lives, age and get old then pass away it's either they become grim reapers after wards, old guards, angels, devils or reincarnate.

they were once human but they never remembered what we were before, they say if you do a good deed then you're an angel.

but the first thing jeonghan remembered was choosing his path towards his afterlife.

and he chose to be who he is today, an angel.

it's not really about what you did through your life but it's a matter of choice.

but they are still many who picked their path towards the underworld, thinking that they didn't deserve to step into the clouds.

grim reapers are those who were tricked by the gatekeeper, it's either they believed the words they said or they just wanted to be one.

the gatekeeper was never one of the magical forms, they were just multiple of voices in between the light and darkness.

in between bewilderment and clarity.

jeonghan was lucky enough to have wonderful parents who gave him all he needed, he was financed at studying and everything.

but the price comes to now, that he's alone.

without them.

"i'll contact him when i reach home later" jeonghan smiled then remembered of something "and cheol?"


"i want to adopt someone"


"lee chan"

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