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jeonghan drove eyeing the little devil time to time who's excitedly humming.

"are we going to the orphanage first?" chan asked and jeonghan shook his head.

"we're stopping by to my office for a couple of minutes, go to the orphanage and then the school" jeonghan said and chan nodded to his words.

"but didn't you say last night that we'd go to the school first?"

"yes, but i guess you should bring a couple of your friends to enroll well everyone will be study there so you won't miss your friends that much" jeonghan smiled then slowly drove inside the parking lot.

"wait, so we're all going to the same school?" chan's eyes sparkled like priceless diamonds, jeonghan kept a mental note to never let go of his priceless diamond.

"yes, precisely"

"do you own that school or what?"

jeonghan smiled and kept quiet, he didn't notice the speed bump he couldn't slow down.

he cautiously placed his hand onto chan's upper abdomen keeping him from being thrown onto the dashboard by the force since chan didn't buckle up.

"sorry didn't notice that" jeonghan softly says "shouldn't have made those speed bumps with brighter colors tsk"

"what? are you the engineer?" chan asked again, jeonghan has to be used of chan asking him gazillion questions every time there's something interesting along the way.

"no, uhm how do i put this" jeonghan scratched his nape as he parks his car to one of the slots.

jeonghan unbuckled his seatbelt reaching his brief case from the back he then opened the car door.

circling around the car he then opened chan's door which surprised chan a bit.


chan felt his cheeks heat up but he didn't let it be so obviously tinted.

"you'll see inside, i guess?" jeonghan chuckled then walked ahead towards the elevator, chan was slowly walking since he couldn't recover from what just happened.

jeonghan didn't feel a presence beside him then he notice chan wasn't following him, he was just standing there unmoved and staring on the floor.

jeonghan shook his head then walked back towards chan, raising his chin he then looked to his crimson eyes.

"you have to follow me in order for you to not get lost sweetie"

chan flinched and kept his smile at bay he nodded and lowered his head.

he heard jeonghan release a giggle then something warm envelopes his waist bring him to the edge of blushing like an overripe tomato.

jeonghan smiled as they walked towards the elevator, pressing level 26 where his office is located.

"l-let me guess"


"you own this building"

jeonghan smiled keeping his grip on chan's waist but not making it painful for the younger.


he faced chan and said "i just don't own this building"

"i own the company too"

smiling as he looked at chan's doe eyes he couldn't resist to scan everything about his face up close.

the elevator opened revealing his office on the other end of the room.

"gorgeous lips" jeonghan then let go of chan holding his hand instead slightly pulling him into his office.

'fuck he's hot'

and those words replayed like a broken tape inside chan's head, not stopping.


a/n: where can i find my own flirty jeonghan? lord bigyan mo naman ako kahit isa lang :)

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