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two days passed and chan has been avoiding jeonghan in any sort of ways, he didn't want to concern nor offend the older but he was just to shy to face him after what he just initiated between them.

it was saturday and his classes started yesterday, he had the biggest chance to avoid jeonghan all day and sulk inside his room for the rest of the night.

chan was inside his room until he heard a soft knock, he knew it was one of the maids "master?"

chan stood up he hurried towards the door and opened it "yes?"

"master jeonghan wants to see you" chan didn't know why his heart started beating faster than race cars, he knew he shouldn't act this way to his adopted 'brother'.

"can i not go?" he asked the maid as if she had the decision to do so.

"i believe you can't master, master jeonghan looks like he had something urgent to tell you" she softly said with a small smile.

chan sighed and nodded before relieving her, as he went towards jeonghan's office beside his room.

he blew a big loud breath before he turned the knob and opened the door, he then saw a very attractive angel leaning on front of his desk, his wings were seen and he was... shirtless.

"glad you finally grew a spine to face me darling" and that voice from the angel sent chills down to the last joints of chan's bones.

chan was stunned when he saw the older's toned upper body, he can't believe he was seeing his muscular figure again.

jeonghan had a pink lollipop inside his mouth, that's what chan thinks after he saw the white plastic thin stick hanging between his glossy lips.

and just like another person on the joystick of chan's body, he rushed and approached the older quickly taking out his lollipop and crashing his lips onto the older.

he closed his eyes when jeonghan effortlessly held his thighs and made him wrap his legs around his waist, the angel carrying the little needy devil towards his swivel chair.

he circled to get behind the desk and place chan on the big marbled desk, jeonghan threw everything on the floor not caring what it was.

he found his lips back on chan's aggressive ones, tongue sucking and licking each other.

jeonghan ripped the devil's thin shirt as he pushed chan to lay on the table softly, he helped the younger take his skinny jeans off along with his boxers the younger's semi-hard boner was freed from the restricting piece of cloth.

jeonghan's fingers ghosted on chan's upper tthighs as he gave kitten licks to chan's hard boner.

like a switch, chan immediately sat up and pushed jeonghan out of the way as he covered his body with his arms.

"we're not doing it again" chan said in his hushed voice, his whole body trembling.

"c-chan i didn't mean to even do it" jeonghan sensed that chan was already scared of him and that he was scared to be touched.

chan crouched to take his jeans and boxers, he put them on in haste wanting to exit the angel's office soon.

"if you adopted me to be your sex slave then you should have not, taking advantage of my heat is disgusting that's not what expected from a kind man like you" chan paused, his skin turning red and a detailed texture of somehow like a reptile's skin.

he's beyond mad at that state, only a few devils can wield that type of skin.

chan's eyes turned bright red, his nails growing longer and his hair was turning white.

jeonghan's throat went dry, half immersed half nervous because the younger might never talk to him or worst leave him.

"i-i'm sorry, please d-don't leave" the sweet voice was cracked, as if chan was that important to jeonghan, it hasn't been a week yet.

chan walked towards the door and before he left he said.

"i'm not leaving, don't worry" the devil's skin went back to normal and he then vanished as the door closes.

jeonghan sighed, it's hard to make someone commit or be that attached quickly.

"the shortcut didn't work out jeonghan, better do take the long one" he said to himself, he chanted a spell as he walked towards the couch.

he laid himself there and closed his eyes.

"akramandhur slijay"

as he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of blue eyes as the boy smiled at him.

"chan" he whispered

"oh hi, i'm going to the surface today!" the angel beamed, the older smiled and hugged him.

"don't go!" his mind shouted but his mouth couldn't, this was just a glimpse from the past.

the angel waved and spreads his wings before mouthing 'i love you' to his lover he then embraced the warm air falling to the surface as his wings were ready to help him land.

jeonghan's eyes slipped couple of tears.

because this was the day he lost lee chan and never saw him again.


[A/N: I'm finally back ;) hope someone still reads this]

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