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chan exits his large bedroom and went down the stairs, he then realized there was a third floor in the mansion but didn't bother to go there since he's already inside the living room.

"master, dinner will be served in a few minutes" one of the maids said and bowed.

"oh okay, thank you... "

"sooyoung, master" the girl smiled as she asked permission to leave, without nothing to do he sat on one of the largest sofa, colored in black he then laid his hands on its leather surface.

he roamed his eyes around the living room area but couldn't find the tv remote, he didn't have a phone since seungcheol and jisoo can't afford to buy every single one of them.

he was bored but couldn't find the remote.

he gave up on trying to find it and sighed "how can i turn it on?"

a few seconds after he said that a voice interferes his thoughts.

'television powering on'

chan flinched and looked at the technologized rectangle who just spoke back to him.

'netflix or youtube?'

chan flinched again, looking dumb he answered "netflix" and it did open the application attached to the modern television.

chan was left puzzled on how will he look for movies if he can't move it without remote, he understood the voice method but if he tries to manipulate it on his own he might look pretty weird.

sighing he then said, just trying if voice navigation is really true about the television "off?"

'powering off, have a nice day master'

chan shook his head then stood up, walking along by the expensive things not touching them because he might break them.

he came across the customized high cabinet with picture frames on it.

as expected it was family pictures, jeonghan and his mom, his mom and dad.

but as he walks away from the family photos he then found himself looking at jeonghan's photos alone.

without anyone but him, the pictures were old and unclear but it still had some colors in it.

the big painting on the stairwell was remade, it was printed in a new way. mrs. song said to chan that the picture  which became the reference of it was very very old.

chan heard the doors open, he noticed it was already night time. when junhui left earlier to fetch jeonghan it's wasn't even past afternoon.

he shrugged then turned around only to see an angel, he couldn't see his wings and halo he might be really hiding it.

angels sometimes have the ability to hide themselves using a deep spell.

he met the angel's tired eyes but managed to give chan a soft smile.

"you're here, come on let's have dinner" jeonghan waved at him comfortably to join him eat dinner.

placing his black brief case on the side table he then sat at the center of the table.

chan was surprised by the length of the table and the amount of food that was laid out, it was like they're feeding 40 giant monkeys but it's really just the two of them.

the servants served the rest of the dishes, jeonghan sat comfortably then gestured chan to sit on the chair right on the edge side.

chan slowly sat at where jeonghan signed him to sit, still shocked at how warm and comfortable jeonghan is even though this is their first official meeting.

"have you eaten yet?" jeonghan asked mrs. lee who helped the other ladies to serve, she smiled and gently shook her head.

"join us"

"no thank you master, i think this dinner is for the new member of the family" she smiled politely and bowed before the rest of them exits the dining area.

"right" jeonghan said then looked at chan, jeonghan was still in his crumpled tuxedo which yelled 'exhausted' effortlessly.

"eat up, sweetie" jeonghan said before he dug into his own plate "we'll talk later alright? i'm too hungry right now"

chan smiled then ate too.

somehow jeonghan's smile makes everything comfortable.

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