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jeonghan sighed then walked towards the big couch, his big couch.

jeonghan is tired off all the time he have in his hands and yet doesn't know how or where to use it.

he wants to get out and do what he was supposed to do, what's the reason why he's here, why he's not stopping from being a search lunatic because of someone.

"yoon fucking jeonghan where the fuck did father put you, you dipshit i'm gonna put a stick up your ass you dumb fuc-"

"i'm here and please stop cursing jisoo" jeonghan sighed again turning his head around to see the pale looking devil.

"oh great, you can't blame me though your house is big i was looking for you in the garden" jisoo shrugged then sat down to the sofa across him.

"why would you start looking for me in the garden? and what do you need?" jeonghan leaned onto the comfort of the sofa then closed his eyes.

"wait until seungcheol comes, the fuck's taking him long to park the damn car?" jisoo rolled his eyes then dialed seungcheol using his phone.

"where the fuck are you? i swear to god i'll cut your dick off you if you don't come here this instant" jisoo said half yelling, no one can blame him for being impatient and for having to swallow bad words and spitting them like nothing at you.

he's a true born devil and everyone knows they can't control their tongues from rolling off foul words.

they heard the front door creaked open then revealing a stunning choi seungcheol entering the living room.

"there you are you dumb fuck"  jisoo cursed at his husband which responded his defense

"you said you'll go to the garden since you said jeonghan will be there so i went there but saw nothing of you two just plants" seungcheol scratched his nape then sat beside his lover.

"so what is it?" jeonghan sat up and looked at the two who just barged in his house making the peaceful atmosphere begin to perish into a chaotic one.

"me and cheollie decided to open an orphanage for devils and angels, adult and kids" jisoo must have a switch to his personality, he's using his cute and soft voice now.

"and last week was the opening we told you but as you said you were in siberia and we know you'll be home today so.. "

"so what?" the brunette raised his brows towards the two.

"we were hoping if you would want to donate to our orphanage" seungcheol stated smiling sweetly his husband also copying his smile towards jeonghan.

"you're suddenly attacking me with all this cause you both know i can't avoid doing good" jeonghah stated with a sigh then looked at the two who's still smiling at him.

"alright alright, i'll donate" jeonghan said which made jisoo beam in happiness jumping onto jeonghan and giving him a tight hug.

"thank you thank you thank you!" jisoo said while hugging the older, jeonghan just smiled to seungcheol who was also mouthing a 'thank you're

"you're both so welcome, i might visit tomorrow i miss jinhe and jicheon" jisoo got off jeonghan's lap then walked back to his husband sitting onto his lap instead.

"yes they miss their uncle hannie too" seungcheol smiled gums showing, like an angel he has always been.

yes choi seungcheol is an angel in fact he and jeonghan met first before they encounter a very talkative and bad ass devil named hong jisoo.

jisoo was first attracted to jeonghan but the angel has eyes on someone that he's been looking for over 500 years of his stay in earth.

jisoo suddenly found comfort in seungcheol's arms which lead them to each other falling deeply for the last 102 years.

"we must get going, see you tomorrow hannie!" the devil beamed then clung onto his angel before leaving jeonghan alone.

alone, again.

he smiled then stood up walking towards the stairs to approach the big painting placed into the wall containing three people smiling widely

his mother, father and him.

he misses them, his parents, he wasn't originally their son but they still treated him like one gave him all the luxury there is that they can provide.

but then his mother received a letter of official pardon from heaven, leaving him and his father not long his father too received the same letter leaving all their money and properties to their only son.

yoon jeonghan.

a lone tear escaped his eye when he remembered the old days, back when it was just the three of them living happily.

he shook his head and looked at the two angels who took him in this big mansion and raised him properly.

he smiled then continued to walk up stairs towards his room to sleep and maybe dream of the boy again.

the boy he have always searched for.

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