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jisoo sat with seungcheol and across them was the devil they just called a minute ago.

"what's going on papa? appa?" the devil innocently asked, everyone has been wondering how chan kept a naive and innocent personality when he's a pure made devil.

his eyes weren't even that dangerous, they we're just tinted of light red, his fangs weren't to long and his tail, horns and skin colour.

everything about chan was about devils can have once in a decade.

"you see chan, someone visited yesterday" seungcheol started "he promised to give everyone a school and he even ensured everyone's future so that everyone will be pardoned" seungcheol continued

"it includes you, he wants to enroll you with the same school as them and give you a better future for the official pardon but there's something"

chan's eyed glowed with curiousity and purity, making jisoo want to launch onto the younger and purr against him even if they're not cats.

"what's that?"

"he wants to adopt you, channie" jisoo spoke with a faint smile

"but appa"

"yes, i know you told us you don't want to leave but he's ensuring your pardon like everyone else channie" jisoo spoke with pure gentleness, the only devil who possess that voice was him.

"chan we want nothing but only for the good of you" seungcheol said "he is a good man chan, he'll take care of you" seungcheol smiled his gums showing, jisoo also copied his husband's expression then patted chan's head.

"he will be here by the hour, we'll help you pack your things" jisoo said before standing up and kissing the top of chan's head.

chan felt like crying, he didn't want to abandon his home, his family, his friends.

but in order to get back safely to the underworld, he needs to wait and he didn't want to be a burden to the two lovers.

the angel from the three also hugged chan, a single tear escaping his eye but no one noticed. as a father of lost, casted out and abandoned children he was also attached to almost everyone.

with love he protects them.


the hour came by quickly, chan was sitting and waiting patiently with his luggage inside the lobby with mingyu and seokmin on th reception's desk.

a mullet haired entered the double door entrance, his backpack swung on his left shoulder he then smiled to chan.

he noticed the bags beside chan so the devil approached chan.

"you getting adopted?" minghao asked which was purely obvious but he didn't want to startle the kid.

"yeah hyung, kinda nervous about it" chan sighed, minghao rubbed the back of the devil then looked over to the round peach desk, he met the eyes of the two humans who looked a bit sad because of the news.

"they already talked to you?" minghao asked and chan nodded, he looked over to his hyungs and gave them a smile as the two mirrored him.

they heard footsteps accelerating from the stairs then when they reach the lobby it turned out to be seungcheol and jisoo.

"he's here channie" jisoo said with a smile then approached chan, behind them was some kids and some of his friends.

"oppa we will miss you!" jennie said who was his most close from one of the kids.

chan smiled then opened his arms "warm hugs?" he said, the little devil squealed then ran into his arms a minute or so everyone was hugging him.

chanting their 'i miss you's and promised words.

minghao smiled at the sight then walked over to his boyfriends

"i'm glad i became a cook here huh" minghao said before snaking his arms around seokmin's waist then kissing mingyu's cheek.

if it wasn't for seungcheol and jisoo he wouldn't have found the love of his life.

the two smiled and hugged minghao.

on the other hand chan was wiping his tears off before holding onto his luggage and the lovers helped him with the heavy ones.

they exited the lobby and was greeted by a limousine, the chauffeur was outside and two black cars was behind it, men in black tuxedos stood on each side car doors.

they bowed in unison then the chauffer approached seungcheol, chan and jisoo behind them about three meters far was the kids watching chan depart the orphanage in a luxurious way.

"i was said to fetch master lee chan on behalf of master jeonghan, he is settling a very serious matter for that so he couldn't come" the chauffer formally said "if you may master chan, let's get you home" the chauffer signaled the men to get the bags.

chan looked at seungcheol and jisoo and the lover just nodded "he called us earlier and said you'll be fetched by his chauffer, don't worry you can trust them" jisoo smiled with assurance.

chan nodded and hugged his guardians who he can also call as parents one last time.

he didn't noticed time went by and he already rode the limousine driving towards his new home.

with a nervous feeling he eased himself.

"it's going to be okay chan" he said to himself.

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