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chan was standing on the big balcony connected to his room.

the dinner he had with jeonghan wasn't awkward because surprisingly they get along too well.

jeonghan excused himself because he said he needed to get rid of his sweaty office uniform.

from the look of it chan thought that he was doing dirty business for a second but after talking with the angel everything about him seems so....

good and pure.

his honey coated voice, a gift for unique angels and his features that he couldn't help to look at.

chan gazed at the night sky as the stars twinkles beautifully and gracefully like they had no flaws.


his flaw in the underworld was falling in love, for the fact that he never thought of doing such things but still he did.

the secret he kept to himself ever since he landed here on earth.

"hey" chan heard the same sweet voice, he sought where it came from and he ended up looking at the balcony on the other bedroom beside his.

"hey" he responded with a smile, jeonghan was wearing a simple white tee and plain pajamas.

"how was your day here?" jeonghan leaned onto the rails facing chan and as he did that his loose shirt came lower slightly reveal his toned collarbones.

chan gulped but smiled nevertheless,

"it was okay, junhui introduced me to the workers around here" chan tried his best to form his words right.

the consequences of controlling his swearing is not being in control of it when it suddenly comes out of his mouth.

but the other back in the orphanage praised him for being the most good at doing so.

jeonghan nodded with a big smile, chan can see his wings now but not his halo.

"if you don't mind may i ask?"

"ask away"

"why can't i see your halo?" chan blinked as he asked, mostly because there are too many angels in the orphanage he sees their halos in many many ways they were designed.

angels' halos represent their personality, that's why soonyoung's halo was tinted in light yellow and it glows brightly.

seungcheol's halo was more like a flower crown floating above him with red unique unnamed flowers.

he just casually sees halos everywhere, but not jeonghan.

"oh, yeah that one" jeonghan clears his throat "angels who doesn't have halos are the ones who purposely sinned back up there so we can come here on purpose"

chan wasn't shocked as he thought he would be, he's that type of person that doesn't judge easily.

"we have that one too you know, no one dares to speak of it" chan chuckled then spoke again "devils will be given arrow tattoos on their wrist if they purposely wanted to be casted out" he smiled then touched his wrist lightly then looked over to jeonghan.

jeonghan glued his eyes on the younger's finger lingering on the side of his wrist.

"i think you should sleep we have to be early tomorrow" jeonghan said.

"tomorrow? and we?"

"yes, we're going to your university and visit the orphanage afterwards" jeonghan smiled as he lifts his right wing lightly because it had been uncomfortably heavy.

"really?! okay! good night jeonghan hyung!" he excitedly beamed waving his hand.

jeonghan smiled at the sight then before he knew it the younger was already inside his room.

but before chan could get in jeonghan saw one thing.

"you have the tattoo huh"

𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 | 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now