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chan couldn't find the words to say of how well the interior of the building was designed, he was staring down to the other floors.

jeonghan said he can wait here but he has been taking so long to get what he was looking for and chan wasn't really good at keeping his temper toned down.

chan groaned lightly then walked towards the door jeonghan entered a while ago.

he knocked first then opened the door as he saw jeonghan sitting on his desk holding a pen and signing the papers in a rushed way.

the angel looked up and smiled apologeticly "sorry this might take a while, sit down first" jeonghan pointed at the white satin couch that was placed not far from his desk.

jeonghan looked back to the papers but spoke "do you know how phones work?" jeonghan asked his eyes still glued on the paper.

"uhh yeah"

"great, see that table beside the couch? take that phone it's yours now" jeonghan said, focusing on his signing nevertheless of speaking to the younger.

"w-what?" chan scanned his eyes and saw a white box containing a brand new phone.

he took it and examined the box, it looked so expensive.

"it's yours baby"


chan's eyes widen in shock, then an uncomfortable heat spreaded across his cheeks and his entire body.

he cleared his thoughts and looked at jeonghan who continued to do his work, unbothered.

chan calmed himself and tired to distract himself from blushing and opened the box.

"why does it have so many cameras?" chan asked when he looked at the design of the phone.

it was black and had a logo behind it.

"it's the latest i think" jeonghan replied not sparing him a glance.

chan decided to put the phone back in the box, he'll figure it when they get home.

half an hour or so jeonghan was finally done, he placed all the papers on his side desk and looked over to chan.

"hey let's g-"

jeonghan smiled when he saw that chan was laying on the sofa sleeping soundlessly.

jeonghan approached the younger and tapped his cheek "hey babe, come on it's time to go" chan opened his eyes then closed them again.

well he's a heavy sleeper.

jeonghan tapped his cheek again "come on channie, everyone's waiting they're already at the university"

chan nodded and stood up, yawning and his eyes we're still half opened.

jeonghan was about to pick up the box containing chan's new phone but then he heard the younger yawn again.

jeonghan straightened up and chan fell on his chest unexpectedly which cause jeonghan to lose balance and they both landed on the floor.

chan flinched when he heard a loud thud, he realized he was on someone's chest then looked at jeonghan's pained face.

"oh my god i'm so sorry"

"no it's okay"

chan was about to stand up but his legs got tangled along with jeonghan's legs prohibiting him to stand up instead he fell once again on jeonghan.

but this time his face landed on the angel's face.

causing their lips to crash unintentionally.

𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 | 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now