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chan was mesmerizing the sight he is facing right now, can't believe and can't move ge mentally cursed about how he has achieved to live in such a big and luxurious house.

"master?" he flinched when the foreign like chauffer asked for his attention, he was spacing out for a bit.

"u-uh yes"

"let's go inside, it's getting pretty cold out here" the chauffer smiled as he lead him the way towards the big double door which was painted in gold.

above it was a signage written in cursive and big letters.

'Casa de Yoon'

The posts were like medieval designed and purposely crawled by beautiful vines.

"this way master" the chauffer said and chan followed him, through the golden doors he then saw a very magical room pampered with luxurious and expensive things.

"master, the maids will show you your room i need to fetch master jeonghan" the chauffer smiled before he bowed.

chan nodded but before the chauffer had the chance to vanish out of his sight he grabbed his arm "what's your name?" he asked, for all the kindness the man has given him he need to have the chance to know his name.

"it's chwe hansol, master" he smiled before bowing again and left the house or must be called as mansion.

"welcome master chan" he was startled when the maids who lined up on two lines, he couldn't count how many was the maids they just lined up in a long line.

"u-u-uh hi" he bowed at them, he then felt a presence behind him.

turning around he saw the man who escorted him here but rode a different vehicle which was behind him.

"hello master, i am wen junhui master jeonghan's head of security" he bowed, his hand on his chest he then respectfully smiled at the younger.

"hi" chan said with a nervous smile, he didn't look intimidating but the way his eyes we're piercing through his soul it kinda gives chan chills.

"i am ordered to introduce you to the maids and servants of the house to keep you occupied for a couple of minutes" wen junhui smiled then chan heard footsteps coming from everywhere, the men that were scattered coming out from nowhere formed a line beside the maids but kept their distance.

"this is your security team, master" junhui said then what followed were a couple of names he didn't have the time to memorize.

"this is mrs. lee the head of housekeeping, then mrs. song head of the kitchen" other than those names chan couldn't remember the names he released.

"mrs. song will lead you to your bedroom, i will catch up with hansol to fetch master jeonghan and the rest will check the perimeter with your permission master" junhui bowed and chan nodded shyly, he's not used of someone asking his permission to leave.

the maids bowed in unison and asked his permission to leave, mrs. song smiled at him then showed him the way towards his new bedroom.

going through the flight of stairs on the wall between the turn of the stairs was a big painting, it's height and width was conditioned by the wall.

he then saw three people in it, they all looked young.

two men stood behind the red chair the woman was sitting, with a sharp memory he then recognized the blonde who stood beside the brunette one.

"oh" chan realized what soonyoung said to him last night.

the business looking guy was him, his sharp features caused him to freeze in his place unmoved.

his eyes that looked ravishing, his porcelain skin that he never wished to touch up until now and his captivating lips, rosy and tempting he might want to kis-

"master? is everything okay?" mrs. song's calm voice rang endlessly through his ears, he flinched then pointed at the painting.

"who are they?"

even though he knew who they were he wants to make sure he's not in the hands of mafias, well he's doubting where all the gold came from.

"they are the yoons, that brown haired man is master's father yoon joyoung, the woman is master's mother yoon hyejin and the blonde master jeonghan" mrs. song smiled as she explained.

"they were casted out all at once?" chan asked as mrs. song shook her head "the couple changed their surnames when master jeonghan came they didn't want master jeonghan to feel that he's an outsider" from the words mrs. song said, for chan the family might not be that bad as he thinks.

"they are all angels right?" chan got a nod as response.

"how come you know them so well mrs. song?" chan was curious as a cat but mrs. song loved it as she answered more.

"everyone around here are angels, master from maids to security to gardeners sometimes way back before we had devil employees but after the couple was gone master jeonghan said he could handle himself alone the ones who were needed like me who cleans the house twice a week was still hired but the others were transferred to other jobs" mrs. song kept her smile as the devil was absorbing the informations.

"so the couple was gone? by you mean?"

"they were pardoned four centuries ago"

chan nodded finally getting it.

"so jeonghan was alone for many centuries? i heard he's already about five hundred years"

mrs. song smiled sadly "master jeonghan sought for someone through the years, he was never that type to give up even though it's hard but after all the seeking he gave up"

"i heard him about fifty years ago, crying in his room missing the clouds, his parents and that someone, he was talking to himself and said he didn't regret anything"

mrs. song climbed the remaining stairs and showed chan his big room.

before leaving she spoke "master jeonghan has been looking for that someone hardly, through storms and earthquakes. i am happy you finally stepped into this house master chan" mrs. song then closed the door murmuring "he finally found you, master lee chan"

leaving the confused devil behind that door.

he didn't understand anything, maybe deep inside he didn't want to understand it.

because maybe,

just maybe,

a single information might change his lifetime.

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