Left out? (2)

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Yayyyy I posted again! I'm thankful for the fact that people actually are reading :D

This chapter is more angst and more sad D:

I just found up the names that I used for the accounts!


Minho had now walked all the way back to their dorm and was standing by the door. He had been walking for 20 minutes to get there and he was soaking wet and freezing.

He tried opening the door and luckily, it opened. The members probably left it open so h could get in.

He went inside and took of his shoes before walking in to the living room.

There he saw the members. They were all watching tv and laughing. It looked like they were having fun.

Minho didn't know why, but he felt his heart ache from seeing all of them having so much fun without him.

He looked at Jeongin and could tell that he had been crying earlier. His eyes were still red and puffy.

Chan stopped smiling when he saw Minho. Minho saw the rage in his Hyung's eyes and looked away.

"Your making the floor wet, Minho", he said before turning away from him and got back to watching tv.

There were no 'hello' or 'are you ok?'. It seemed like they didn't want him there. Like they were having a really good time until he came.

Minho just nodded before going up the stair to get tho his and Chan's room. The members shared rooms and Minho had been paired with Chan.

When he got inside the room, he closed the door and locked it before tears started to run down his cheeks.

He went straight to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked absolutely terrible.

His eyes were all puffy and he started wondering. Did the members really not notice that he had been crying? Or maybe they just ignored it because they hate him.

He took of his clothes and went into the shower. The warm water feel relieving on his skin.

After he was done showering, he put on som comfy clothes. He didn't want to get sick.

He laid down on his bed and took out his phone. He opened Twitter and started to scroll. After some scrolling, be found a tweet that really stood out to him.

'@straykidzhairband1763 - Why is Minho's personally so bad? He's just mad all the time and he's just bringing his group down! #minholeavestraykids '

Minho felt hurt by the message. He had never been the type of person to show feelings, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that the fan was right.

He just hurt Jeongin, Jisung and Chan in just one day for no reason. He was just a mean person and didn't deserve to be in the group.

He didn't even notice that he was crying until he saw a tear drip down on his phone.

He went in on the hashtag that the 'fan' had commented and started reading more tweets.

'@skzlamaboyfan13 - Minho is just a burden to everyone. He's not even that good at dancing to be honest #minholeavestraykids'

'@ilovestraykids63 - Minho need to lose weight!!! He's fatter than the elephant I saw in the zoo yesterday ahahahahaha! I get embarrassed every time I see him standing beside Hyunjin #minholeavestraykids'

'@squirrelboytch - Minho, please just go kill yourself :D we don't need you here #minholeavestraykids'

Minho was crying even more now. Was all this true? Was he really that much of a burden? Was he that fat? Should he just die?

Minho went up from his bed and went back to look at himself in the mirror. It was true. He really was fat. His cheeks were chubby and his body looked round. How did he not notice this when he checked himself this morning?


What was that?

You know they're right about everything

"W-who are you", Minho asked quietly. He was scared.

I'm here to help you realize how you really are the voice got louder and Minho tried to hold over his ears, but it didn't work.

You can't get rid of me, Minho

Minho slided down the wall and started crying again.

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