Please stop (11)

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I'm sorry this one came out a little later, but I actually have a life outside wattpad as well-

Not me writing fanfics with my friend at our sleepover hehe

Anyways, stan tuvapeds on wattpad.. and stray kids



Minho arrived at the swimming hall 10 minutes later. His palms were sweaty and his eyes were still full of tears. 'I should have told Chan Hyung when I had the chance'. It was now all up to him and he knew there was no turning back.

Just when he was about to take up his phone, he noticed that he had forgotten it at home.

It had started raining during his ride which didn't help his mood, but he couldn't find himself to care.

He parked the car outside and stepped carefully out. The rain had stopped by now and he found himself walking closer to the hall. "Am I supposed to just walk inside?" he whispered quietly to himself.

He stood outside for some time before finally finding a little courage to walk through the door.

When he had finally come to the locker room he was greeted by a man. Not just a random man, but someone he had met before.

The swimming coach

The man went up to him which made Minho anxious. Minho kept walking backwards until his back touched the wall behind him. He was now trapped between the wall and the man. Just when he was about to try to get away, the man gripped his hand hard and Minho screamed out in pain.

"L-LET GO OF ME", he screamed, but the man only held harder (No Minho's not weak, but the man is strong you know)

It got even scarier when he was suddenly dragged further into the locker room and pushed against one of the lockers. "I'm not letting you go anytime soon, Minho"

The coach put his hands on the waistband of Minho's sweatpants and was about to pull them down, but Minho shoved him away. (Just gonna let you know that the swimming coach is older than Minho! He's like 30)

Suddenly he felt a stinging pain on his cheek. He put his hand up to his cheek and looked at the man with teary eyes. The man still had his hand up after the slap.

"You're mine now, kid. You're gonna do everything I want you to!" he screamed and hit the locker right beside his head. The loud noice made Minho flinch.

He felt his sweatpants being taken off, but this time, he knew there was nothing he could do to help himself. Tears were streaming down his face and he had started sobbing. If he only had told someone before he left. Another thing he could have done was record everything that was going on and use it againt the man, but he didn't have his phone.

The next thing he felt was the man pulling off his shirt. The only thing he was wearing, was his underwear. He wanted nothing more than to go home and cuddle the others right now. Everything would have been so much better if he had just stayed at home.

The coach took off his own clothes leaving him also in just his underwear. "Follow me"

It's not like Minho had a choice since he was basically dragged into where the actual pools were.

They were all alone since the swimming hall was acutally closed, but the coaches could apparently come and go whenever they wanted. BUT, the thing was, their coach was the only coach that worked there.

He was dragged all the way in and was thrown into the pool. Minho could swim, but he was panicking so bad right now, that he was afraid that he would drown.

There was a huge splash beside him and he felt someone touch his legs from underwater wchich mad him freeze.

The hand slowly moved upwards and was put on his thigh. The coach came up from the water, hand still resting on his thigh. "You wanna have some fun, huh?" he asked seductively and smirked when Minho's eyes widened.

"N-no leave me alone! Let me go! HELP!"

He kneed the man in his manhood and ran out of the pool. Before he could get away, the man grabbed his hair from behind and slammed him to the ground.

"You'll regret doing that, babyboy"


Seungmin knew something was up the moment he saw Minho leaving the dorm. He never used to go on walks or hang out at the park. He hated being at the park all alone. It was raining as well.

He was now sitting on the couch with Jeongin and Hyunjin, watching a movie.

Even though he was a little worried, he decided to let it go. Nothing would probaby happen. Minho was old enough to figure things out himself.

It had now gone two hours and Minho had still not come home. Seungmin did the one thing that felt right to do. He went up to Chan's little studio and knocked on the door. Chan opened the door and let Seungmin in.

It wasn't normal for the other members to walk into Chan's studio without a reason, so Chan knew something was up. "Hey, Minnie, what's wrong?"

Seungmin thought for a while. "Do you know where Minho went?"

Chan just shaked his head. "Didn't you talk to him before he left?"

"Well.. yea... but I know he wasn't telling the truth about where he was going"

Chan tensed up as soon as he heard that. He was the one who knew the most about Minho's hard life and his thoughts immediately came to the worst. What if he was gonna try to do something. Maybe he was at a bridge?

"Minnie.. hurry up and call him fast!" he said rushing downstairs to put on his shoes, leavig Seungmin behind confused.

"Chan... Chan!... CHAN!" he tried getting his leader's attention and eventually got it after calling his name a few times.

"You're hiding something.. what aren't you telling us?"

Chan thought about telling him fast, but he didn't have time for that now. "I'll tell you later! Just PLEASE call him! We have to get to the bridge!"

Seungmin knew better than to stress him even more, so he dialed Minho's number and called.

Just when Chan was about to walk out the door, they heard Minho's ringtone coming from the kitchen. "Fuck.." chan muttered and ran inside to confirme that it was his phone.

He got into the kitchen and picked up the phone. Seungmin called from the entrance and Chan was about to leave the phone when he thought. It would be wrong to go trough his bandmate's phone, but this was serious. He knew the code, so he just opened it easily.

"There's probaby nothing here-" he whispered to himself, but stopped in the middle of his sentence. The first thing that popped up, was Minho's messages.

That's when he knew where Minho was. "Oh no, Minho", he muttered again.

He ran out to the car and sat himself in the driver's seat. Seungmin was sitting beside him in the passesnger's seat.

"Change of plans", he said breathing heavily and gave Seungmin the phone which showed the message. Seungmin gasped when he read it and looked up to Chan.

"We're going to the swimming hall"

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