Comfort? (8)

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I'm writing a little in class again :D

I did not look over this becuase.. yea.. I'm in class.. so don't be afraid of correcting me !


Chan was in shock after what happened. He didn't think Minho would yell at him like that. 

Did he say something wrong? No, he couldn't have! He was just asking. It wasn't his fault that Minho reacted that way. 

Everyone else in the room had gone quiet. Everyone was pretty much in shock. It really wansn't usual for Minho to yell at Chan. Felix was the one to break the awkward and uncomfortable silence. "Hey Chan.. I think you should apologize to him..", he said while looking at Chan with tears in his eyes. That was the thing that broke him. The tears in Felix's eyes. Not the fact that Minho had just had a full breakdown and was hurting.

"Yea.. I will", he assured Felix before walking up the stairs. He honestly didn't want to because he was more angry and mad than he was sad. He was hurt over that Minho lashed out on him like that. 

He opened the door to their bedroom and saw Minho laying under his covers. He rolled his eyes a little, but softened a little when he heard sniffels. Even though he was mad, he could let it go for now. Chan  walked up to him and sat himself down at the edge of the bed. 

"I'm sorry, Minho", he whispered and took off Minho's cover softly. Minho didn't even try to fight back. He wanted help, he wanted comfort, he just wanted a hug for once. 

Chan took a look at Minho's face and saw his miserable face. He looked so tired and had huge bags under his eyes. Chan would struggle with sleeping a lot and would often be tired, but never like this. 

Instead of saying more, Chan layed down beside Minho is the bed. Minho was shocked by the action, but he was ok with it. Or honestly, this is exactly what he wanted. 

They were both facing towards each other, but it was comfortable. Chan came closer and wrapped his arms around the younger boy. Minho was a little unsure about this at the start, but after some time, he got ok with it. 

Minho was now laying with his head on Chan's chest and arms wrapped around Chan's waist, while the other was holding him close and had his arms wrapped around his shoulders.

For the first time in a very long time, Minho acually felt some comfort. 'Maybe I actually am loved' he thought. His happy thoughts were soon interrupted when the other male started talking to him.

"Please answer me honestly, Minho", he started and took a little break to make sure that Minho was listening. Minho just hummed to let him know that he was.

"Are you ok?"

Minho's eyes widened. He wasn't ready to talk about this yet. 'Fuck, say something!'

"Y-yea, I'm fine", Chan looked at him unsure, but he could see the worry in his eyes. "I've just been very stressed latly and haven't gotten so much sleep" 


"I know something is bothering you. You never lash out on me like that. You know you can telle me when anything right?"

"No, it's just that, nothing more. I'm sorry if I made you worry. I didn't mean to bother you"

You really think they would be worried? please

Chan softened at those words. He knew it was bad, but how could Minho ever think that he was bothering them? He was their everything! "Minho... Please don't say that.. You literally mean everything to us.. You could never bother us like that".

Did he actually mean much to them? Did he matter in their life?

You know better than to belive what he's saying, Minho. He's just trying to comfort you, even though you don't deserve it. 

They layed in silence for some time before they heard a loud thud.

The door opened and Changbin came running inside. "Jeongin fell down the stairs!"

Chan hurried out of the bed and ran downstairs followed by Changbin. Minho tried to get up, but he was in pain. His cuts from the day before had ripped a little when he tried to stand up, so he just stayed in the bed. Soon, another person came up to his room. Jisung.

"Hyung, why aren't you downstairs with the others?! Jeongin is in a lot of pain and really wants you to stay with him!"

"Stay with him? Is he going to the hospital?", Minho asked and suddenly got very worried for the maknae. 

"No, he's not going to the hospital", Minho felt a relief when Jisung said that. "But he's gonna have to lay on the couch today, with ice. He really wants you downstairs".

Minho hesitated, but didn't have a choice as Jisung dragged him up from the bed and tried to take him downstairs. He hissed and almost screamed out of pain, but he had to keep his mouth shut. Jisung seemed to have noticed it becuase he stopped and looked at him, worried if he did something wrong.

"I-I'm sorry! D-did I hurt you?" He asked worried. Minho just shook his head and they both walked down together. 

Jeongin looked up at Minho and smiled when he saw him coming down. He was laying on the couch with an icebag wrapped around his leg. The leg only had a little bruise on it, but still painful. Minho couldn't help but chuckle at the boy. He looked to innocent, like a six year old who had just fallen of his bike. 

"Hyuuuungg, it hurts", he whined and pouted.

Minho smiled and sat down beside him. Jeongin was kinda like a son to him. He meant so much to him and loved him with all his heart. No, he didn't really baby him, but he cared a lot about him. If anything ever happened to him, he would be meant devastated. 

"Shh, It's ok, it's just a little bruise", he assured the youngest. The others were also in the room, watching them. They had all missed this side of Minho, but they knew he would't last like this for long. They had all been talking and wanted to help him, but without hurting him in any way. Chan understood that he had taken it too far and he was full of regret. He was blaming himself for this whole thing. He was blaming himself for breaking Minho like this. Of couse he was a part of it, but he wasn't the one who started it. Chan was in a call with the manager and he was soon done with that.

"Ehmm, guys... Looks like we don't have this day off. We're supposed to go swimming for a new show"

"Really?! But this is our last day of freedom!" Hyunjin said dramatically and fell back on the couch, landing on Jeongin. 


Hyunjin laughed and got up again. Minho just sat on the couch fidgeting with his own fingers. He didn't want to go out. He just wanted to stay home, alone. Swimming means shorts and just a shirt. People would see how fat he was and he was scared that others would see his scars. 

"But, Hyungggg! I can't swim like this!"

"It's ok, I've talked with manager and he said it was ok for you to sit on the side. You can join another episode"


"Hey Hyung..?" Minho poked Chan's shoulder while they were all getting ready. "hm?", he answered without looking back. "Can I stay at home?"

Chan looked up with a sceptical look. "Why?"

"umm" What was he gonna say? He couldn't say the real reason. "I-I'm just not feeling so good".

Chan sighted and patted Minho's shoulder. "It's gonna be alright, ok? Just try".

Minho nodded and packed down his swimming clothes. Then they all got into the car and drove away.

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