Weekly Idol (22)

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nejbejqkheqj I'm going to a funeral tomorrow, so I decided to jus finish it today hehe

It's not so long, but it's something



Minho woke up by a loud thud from downstairs, a scream following right after. What was going on? He checked the time. It was only 3 am. Him being the curious person he is, decided to go down to check. The stairs squeaked when he walked down.

Taking small and quiet steps, he walked into the kitchen. He let out a loud gasp, but covered his mouth quickly. His mother was cornered into the wall. She wasn't crying, she just looked mad. His father was standing in front of her, screaming. "This is all your fault! He wouldn't be such a disgrace if your brother wasn't such a fag as well!" he yelled angrily at his wife. Minho felt his heart shattering. Was he a disgrace? His mother's response didn't make him feel any better either. "That ugly rat isn't my brother! We might be related by blood, but I'm willing to even cut that blood out!"

Minho felt his eyes starting to water up. They really didn't care about him? Was he an ugly rat too? Just because he likes guys as well?

His thoughts were soon interrupted when his father noticed him being there. He grabbed his hand and threw him on the kitchen floor. The poor boy let out a pained cry and curled into a ball, getting ready to protect himself. Just as he had thought, a kick hit him on his back. "Is it that hard huh?! Is it that hard to just be a normal good kid?! You're a disappointment towards our family!" Another kick followed. His mother who had just stood still watching, walked over and sat down. She grabbed his hair and yanked it back. "Who is this boy that you like huh?! Is he a fag like you?!"

Yes, when he came out to them as bisexual, he had told them that he had a crush on a guy. Them being the homophobes they are, didn't even know what bisexual means.

A sob left Minho's mouth when he was hit again. "N-nooo, I don't k-know" he didn't know this guy so well. They went to the same school, but Minho never found the courage to actually start a conversation with him. "Tell me the name!" His father yelled. "H-his name is W-wooyoung.. we go to the same s-school"

His mother let out a loud and ugly laugh. "Wooyoung?! Jung Wooyoung?! You really think that handsome, tall and rich kid would ever like someone like you? You don't deserve anything. You're just a dumb, ugly and fat fag that no one cares about!"

They let him go in the end after humiliating him enough. He immediately ran to the bathroom. He had always felt safe there. It was like his free-spot.

You know, she's right. Just look at you. You deserve nothing

That was the first time the voices in his head started. He was only 13 years old.

"a-and they didn't leave me alone until I was around 17"

Both Chan and Jisung were holding his hands.

"They?", the doctor looked up at him with confused eyes.

"The voices in my head.."

"I have a question, when you told the others about the voice inside your head, you said you were surprised. Why were you surprised? They weren't new to you" the doctor asked.

Well, that was definitely true. The voices controlling his life weren't new to him, but he thought they were left in his past. He thought he had escaped.

"I just.. I thought I had escaped from them... I thought I was finally free, but when I started hearing them again.. I just.. I-I was scared"

The doctor nodded and took notes on his paper.


They finished everything in a few hours. It wasn't as easy for Minho to answer all of the questions, but he got through it with the help of Jisung and Chan.

"We have to go now, ok? Changbin will come by later" Chan said and stroked Minho's hair softly. He gave Minho a little kiss on the forehead before they left. "Bye Minho Hyung!" Jisung called before they closed the door.


He was now all alone.

What should he do now?

He ended up reading a book that he found until he fell asleep.


Stray kids were back on TV the next day. They were gonna be in the new episode of weekly idol. They had been there three times and this was gonna be their fourth time. The show started and Minho sat in his hospital bed, watching his member having fun. It was gonna be live so he was excited.

Everything was going okay until some questions were asked. "I see you guys are only seven members? Where's Lee Know?" One of the hosts asked and Minho tensed up at the mention of his name. Chan took the responsibility and answered. "Lee Know is resting. A lot has been going on, but don't worry! He's doing fine!" Minho felt a small smile form. He was thankful that Chan tried to show the question away and assure everyone he was fine.

"I didn't even realize one member was missing until you pointed it out"

Minho's smile disappeared at the other host's words. They didn't even notice? Maybe they were better as seven? Maybe he wasn't supposed to be-

No. The others had told him how important he was to the team. He needed to trust his members.

Changbin's voice was heard from the tv. "Well he's been gone this whole time. Are you such bad hosts that you don't even know the members? Wow"

The hosts looked taken aback at Changbin's words and quickly went to defend themselves.

"no no! That's not what I mean! Also, I'm older than you. Don't talk like that to me. I can say whatever I want" one of the other hosts who had been quiet tried calming down the man, but was pushed aside.

Changbin threw a punch that hit the man straight into the jaw and the show ended. The channel changed into another show to hide what was happening.

Minho was almost halfway standing in the bed. What just happened?! He decided to do the thing he always did when something happened. He called Chan.

The phone rang for some time, but when Chan finally answered, Minho went right to panicking and asking questions. "What happened!?"

Chan let out a little giggle. "I hope you're okay with having a roommate"

Really? He had to spend the next few days laying next to Changbin?

A giggle left his mouth too and he hung up.

Changbin, Changbin.. sigh

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