Breakdown? (7)

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I started writing this while watching Chan's room because I suddenly just got a lot of ideas sooooo... Chan is so cute omg :')

Don't be afraid to correct mistakes!



Minho woke up the next day by an alarm. He heard Chan wake up and turn the alarm off. Chan usually woke up earlier than the others, so Minho knew he didn't have to get up from the bed yet. He felt almost just as tired as he was before going to bed which confused him, but he couldn't care less now.

When he heard Chan leave the room, he picked up his phone from beside the bed and checked the time. It was 4:00 am. Why was he so tired?

It was Saturday today, so they had a day free. 

He tried turning around, but he landed right on his injured hip. He let out a hiss and turned back. 

It's just a few scratches, stop overreacting. 

It was too early for Minho to deal with this, so he just closed his eyes again, hoping he could fall back alseep. He didn't. His mind didn't want him to sleep, but his body was tired. 

He gave up and got up. He didn't go to the mirror to check himself today because he knew he wouldn't look better than the day before. He knew he was still as ugly as always. 

He went downstairs and saw Chan in the kitchen. Minho didn't want to disturb him or make his morning bad by talking to him, so he just sat down on the couch in the living room.

Good choice. Stay away from Chan. He wouldn't want to talk to you anyways.

He felt his heart ache at that, but he let his thoughts go. 

Chan must have noticed Minho coming down, because he walked up to Minho and sat down beside him. 

"Why are you up already, Minho?" He asked and Minho looked up and into Chan's eyes. 

"I woke up by your alarm and couldn't sleep again", he admitted. 

"ooh, I'm sorry for waking you up"

Look what you have done, Minho. Now Chan is feeling bad. 

Minho quickly assured him that it was ok. "No No, it's ok! I wanted to wake up a little earlier anyways..", he lied. 

Chan wouldn't know if you lie anyways becuause they don't care about you. 

Minho tried hard not to break down right there and Chan noticed that something was wrong. He saw no emotion is Minho's eyes and it made him worry. He took Minho's hand and rubbed his thumb softly. Even though they hadn't spend a lot of time with him, Chan and the others really cared about Minho. 

"Hey.. Are you sure you're ok?" Minho could hear the worry in his hyung's voice and it made him feel even worse. He shouldn't make them worry about him! He just nodded his head and gave Chan a smile. A fake smile. But again, he wouldn't notice.

"Ok.. If you say so..", Chan knew something wasn't right, but he decided to let it go. "Well, if you're awake, let's eat together!" Chan grinned while saying that, but Minho's smile fell. 

Just the thought of eating made him nauseous. He still hadn't eaten, but somehow, he wasn't hungry. He would always come up with an excuse not to eat. Not all of his excuses were very believable, but the members would always believe him.

"O-oh, no I'm not very hungry right now"

Chan's smile fell as well. "That's fine" he said before walking away to the kitchen again.

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