Hospitalized (20)

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OK I'm sorry for not updating, but school has been killing me lately


It's kinda short, but thats ok :D

Same warning as before: Blood


Blood was flowing out of the unconscious boy's arms, making the floor all red. Chan hurried to the bathroom to get a towel before running back in the same full speed. He sat down beside the boy and immediately pressed the white towel against his arm, letting the blood sink into it.

"Are they soon here?!" Jisung asked desperately. They were all worrying like hell and needed someone to help them. Not even two minutes later, their manager arrived, as well as the ambulance.

The manager ran inside the room, but froze when he saw Minho laying on the ground, covered in his own blood.

The poor boy was taken on a stretcher and put inside one of the ambulances.

"C-Can I join him?" Chan asked in a shaky voice. After earning a nod, Chan hurried inside with Minho and took a weak hold of his hand. "You can do this, Minho.."

The rest of the guys, including their manager, were still inside the dorm, in total shock. What just happened? The silence was broken when Felix let out a sob. That seemed to break it all. Jeongin broke down and fell onto the ground. "W-Why?"

Hyunjin sat down with him and put his arms around his neck, letting the boy cry into his shoulder. "shhh, he's gonna be okay". Jeongin continued sobbing, but looked up. "Y-You promise?" Hyunjin let out a small sigh. "I-I can't promise.. but we can hope" he answered before letting his own tears fall again.

Felix had his eyes fixed on the ground. His eyes gazing over the blood that was still spread all over. He felt tears building up in his eyes, but they didn't spill. Soon his vision turned black and he collapsed in Changbin's arms. "Felix?" Changbin got worried when he didn't get an answer. "F-Felix wake up!" he shaked the boy lightly.

Sungmin ran over to them. He only needed a quick look at Felix's face to realize that he had passed out from all the stress and worry. "Changbin.. he's ok.. he just passed out from everything happening, it's ok" he assured him and rubbed his back in a comforting way. Changbin only let out a whimper and looked back at the unconscious boy.

"We need t-to get to the hospital to be there for M-Minho" Jisung said and Seungmin just nodded.

"Let's go" he looked over at Changbin and Felix. "I think you guys should stay home. Felix will probably wake up soon, and I doubt he would want to be alone right now" Changbin nodded and looked over at Felix again.

The guys left the dorm, leaving Changbin and Felix alone. Felix was lying with his head in Changbin's lap. The older stroking his finger's through the boy's hair, playing softly with it.

Felix still hadn't woken up, but Changbin didn't mind spending time with him, even if he was unconscious. He moved his hand to stroke felix's cheek instead. Stroking him on his cheek and ear, smiling softly for himself. He knew he shouldn't feel so calm considering Minho's attempt, but he knew he needed to stay strong for the boy on his lap.

He was soon drifted out of his thoughts when he felt Felix moving. His eyes were still only half way up, but that was enough for him to know the boy was awake.

"Wha.. what happened?" Felix asked quietly, looking around to try to wake up completely. Changbin chucked at Felix's cute action. "You fainted, baby~" baby. Felix felt his cheeks warm up at the nickname, but shrugged it off. "I fainted? Why did I fai-" That's when he remembered the image of Minho. "Oh my.. w-we need to go!" he said in a hurry and tried to get up, but was pulled back down by the older. "No, we're staying here.. You still need to rest" Felix was about to protest, but Changbin continued. "BUT, they promised to give us all the information that they get'' That seemed to calm down the boy a little. "...Fine'' He sat up beside Changbin and snuggled into his chest, feeling himself slowly drifting away,

The others had finally arrived at the hospital.

As soon as they entered the building, they went straight to look for Chan. The elevator took them up, and they arrived at the waiting room in under 10 minutes.

Chan was sitting on a chair, tapping his foot. He stood up and opened his arms when

the others came running at him. Everyone was a mess. Chan's eyes were puffy and red, his skin was paler than snow. Hyunjin still hadn't come over the sight of Minho, and was still shaking like crazy. Jisung and Jeongin were hugging each other while sobbing, being too upset to say anything.

Seungmin was just trying to stay strong for the others. He wanted the boys to have someone to lean on. He was obviously hurting just as much as the others, but still he was able to keep the tears in his eyes and not let them fall. Quietly, he walked straight into Chan's open arms. Letting his hands rub Chan's back, he still stayed just as strong. Chan must have read his mind, because suddenly he was dragged a little away.

"You okay, Seungminnie? Or.. I know you're not"

Seungmin looked up at Chan again, feeling the tears get heavy and big in his eyes.

"You know you're allowed to cry, right? You don't need to act so strong. This is hard for all of us, and you don't need to stay strong for all of us. Let your tears fall, I promise you it will help"

That's what made his first tear drop down, followed by a sob. Soon enough he was a crying mess in Chan's arms. "I-I don't wanna l-lose him" he sobbed.

Chan felt himself being near a breakpoint again, but he just let it be. A sob left his lips, and they both cried together in each other's arms.

A door opened by the register and a man walked out. "Anyone here for Lee Minho?"

All of the guys walked up to him. "We're his friends" Chan whispered, trying not to let his voice crack. "Hmm.. well, the patient is under surgery at the moment due to the extreme cuts. You know, if you guys hadn't called earlier or put pressure on the wounds, he might not have survived. You guys are real heros, remember that" the man said with a smile and gave Jisung a pat on the back.

They all sat down again, letting their body relax, but tears were still falling as they waited for the surgery to be over.


Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin were asleep, somehow cuddled up in a small couch that was placed by the wall. They had stayed in the hospital for hours, and they were all exhausted.

Minho's surgery finished about an hour ago, but the boy was still unconscious.

Chan, Seungmin and Hyunjin were just talking about their performance. Would it get canceled? They honestly hoped so.

A loud scream interrupted their conversation. The sleeping boys also woke up by the voice and looked around confused. "What was that?" Jisung asked.

A doctor came running out of the room where Minho was and they noticed how the screaming got louder as soon as the door opened.

"We need more help in room 243" the doctor told another doctor and they both ran to get someone.

Room 243

That was Minho's room

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