I love you (14)

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hello, it's me

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS! I's to fun to check the demographics and see how many different countries you all are from! 

I didn't sleep well last night, so I'm very tired while writing this. 

I'm gonna continue saying this, but you better follow @tuvapeds  and depressedbeef  (I apparently can't tag her :'))

Also, this is gonna include a lot on Minchan, because I'm so soft for them <3


Seungmin had left the room which left Chan and Minho alone. They were both laying on the bed.

Minho was all cuddled up into Chan and had his head resting on the older's chest. 

"You have to eat, Minho", Chan suddely said.

No, you don't

"I can't"

"Why not?"


"Because they're telling me not to", he spilled out, not having to worry about keeping it to himself anymore.

"mmhm.. stay here", the older said before walking out of the room, leaving Minho confused. He stayed like Chan had told him to to and waited patiently for him to come back.

After about seven minutes, Chan came back. With a plate in his hands, but Minho couldn't see what was on the plate. 

"Here", he just said and sat down the plate beside Minho. 

Bread with nutella and some fruits. 

Minho looked up at Chan and shook his head. There was no way he could eat that! Nutella? Nutella used to be Minho's favorite thing to put on his bread. Used to be. Why was Chan trying to get him to eat that? It would make him gain too much weight. 

"Minho, plese.. you don't have to eat it all just.. just please.. try to eat a little"

"Chan Hyung.. I-I can't!" his breathing started getting out of control.

"hey hey, look at me... there.... it's ok.. just breath with me, ok? In.. out... in.. out" Chan was here to help him. 

The little panic attack didn't last for so long. Chan helped him trough it all. When he finally had calmed down, Chan pulled the boy into a comforting hug and let the boy's tears fall.

"You know, it hurts seeing you like this"

Minho didn't answer and let Chan do the talking.

"You used to be so happy before. So full of energy. I miss that side of you so much. I miss seeing you tease the others and joke around. I'm sorry for not being a good Hyung for you and you have all rights to be disappointed in me. I regret doing everything and I should have taken better care of you. If I had j-just", Chan let out a sob. Minho was just listening. What Chan did was wrong, but this whole thing wasn't his fault. He continued after taking a deep breath. "I-if I had just asked you.. I could have asked if you were okay.. I'm so sorry for being such a terrible leader and brother. And I'm really sorry for letting you down"

Chan was the type of person to always take the blame. Whenever someone was hurt or crying he would always find a way to blame himself. His biggest fear was losing the people he loves. 

"Hyung.. it's not your fault. Yes, I was hurt when you guys ignored me and stuff, but what happened in my past isn't. But please.. instead of blaming yourself, can you help me?" 

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