Do I deserve to be here? (4)

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I finally posted! I've just had a lot of school lately, but here is the forth chapter :D

This is also my longest chapter so :D


Minho walked into the dance room quietly. Everyone's eyes was at him. They were still sitting in a circle, but they all got up when they saw him.

He came all the way into the room and looked down. He was feeling really bad for being late. They all had to wait for him just because that he needed to go to the bathroom.

I hope you know that this is all your fault, Minho

It's your fault for making everyone wait. Now they all have less time to practice.

Minho was lost in his own thoughts until Chan broke the silence.

"Now that we are finally everyone-", he said and gave Minho a stern look. "Can we finally start?"

Minho was too scared to face Chan again and just nodded before finding his spot. The members rolled their eyes at how innocent he was acting.


Minho was feeling terrible. He's body was really tired, his throat was hurting and his head was killing him. He didn't tell any of the members because he really couldn't be a burden right now.

Everything else was gone great. No one had messed up or anything, well, until now.

Jisung was going to to a jump, but fell and landed on his bum bum. The fall wasn't bad and it didn't look like it hurt, but Jisung looked terrified.

Changbin and Jeongin went up to him and made sure he was ok. He got up quickly and turned to Minho.

Minho walked up to him, but when he tried to put his hand on Jisung's shoulder, the boy flinched and stepped back.

"P-please don't hurt me"

Minho started tearing up. Did Jisung think he was gonna hit him? He would NEVER do that!

Minho always seemed like a mean person, but he was actually really soft. He grew up in a pretty bad household, so he wasn't used to showing his feelings.


His mother used to fat shame him and call him terrible things because he didn't grow up the way she had hoped. She wanted her son to grow up being popular and marry a beautiful girl, but he wanted to be an idol. It didn't get better when he came out as bisexual.

Both his mother and father were extremely homophobic and never supported his dream of becoming an idol.

his father had always been the worst. He would go out and drink every day and come back to the house drunk. Minho would get hit by him almost every day and never told anyone about it. He hadn't even told his members about it. They just thought he was born with a mouth like that.

he hadn't talked to his parents after they debuted.


"J-Jisung?" Minho asked with a raspy voice and stuttering. He was now crying.

He almost never cried in front of his members unless it was something really bad, but no one seemed to ask or care this time.

Jisung was crying too and went over to Chan. Chan hugged the boy tightly and looked over to Minho.

Minho felt like he was going to pass out any minute now. He knew she should have said something about him being sick.

Everyone was standing around Jisung, trying to comfort him. No one went up to Minho. Not even Chan.

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