15. When our eyes collided (Panlix)

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Peter Pan's POV :

I walked towards the campfire, where I was about to start making breakfast. I have been on Neverland for years, and I don't regret it a single bit. I'm always the first one up, as I'm the king of Neverland and I can be nice sometimes by making breakfast for the other lost boys.

"Goodmorning, Pan." Devin smiled while helping me make some breakfast. "Morning. Are the other boys awake too?" I mumbled while giving him a glance. "They are, they are getting dressed now." He mumbled a bit, not trying to make the king of Neverland mad. "Good, because it will be a busy day." I groaned while looking around for some branches for the fire.

Today we had a lot of stuff to do. We need to practice hunting, but also fighting. We did had to fight some intruders before, but the lost boys should have been stronger, as we almost lost the fight. "LOST BOYSSS! Over here!" I shouted loud, trying to get everyone together. "Today we will practice hunting and fighting. First we will go hunting, as our food supply is almost running out!" I yelled confident. "Are there even enough animals around here? I barely see them." Tom asked. Tom is a lost boy of 12 years old, who get abused back home. He is here now for atleast a year, but he still has to learn a lot. "There are, you just have to look better." I said to him with a stern tone.

We practiced hunting and fighting all day, and I could say they were getting better at it. I walked into my hut, which was huge ofcourse. The best hut for the best lost boy, as I would say. I walked over to my bed and layed down on it, thinking about Neverland and life. I honestly think Neverland is the best, but it feels like something or someone is missing.

I never show my emotions to the lost boys, as it is a sign of weakness. The lost boys should only have fun on this island, and not cry like little babies. I secretly think about stuff and sometimes show emotions when I'm on my own, but that is human I guess.

I suddenly get this weird feeling, like someone got on this island. I jumped up, ran up to the lost boys and told them about it. We all grabbed our weapons, like bows but also our knives. We ran through the woods, trying to find any intruders on the island. And there he was, the famous annoying Captain Hook. "What are you doing here? Just get of my island." I hissed at him. "It's finally time for me to take revenge and kill you ofcourse." He smirked, like he always did. Stupid pirate, always thinking they are the best.

"Goodluck with that, you can't kill me if I killed you first!" I yelled at him with also a big grin on my face. He can't defeat me, he couldn't kill me before and he also won't be able to kill me today. "Bloody demon that you are, you deserve to die!" He yelled at me while starting to fight. I fought back ofcourse, and I was finally able to kill him after some time. I leaned over his dead body and smirked. "Look who's dead now huh." I smirked while kicking his face one last time.

"Lets see what we can find on their ship!" I yelled while running towards his ship. Most ships had a lot of gold on them, or other expensieve stuff. Me and the lost boys ran around the ship, stealing everything we could. I walked down the stairs, looking for more usefull supplies. I took everything I could, until I saw someone hiding behind a door. "I can see you." I groaned while walking towards this mysterious person.

I opened the door, and my eyes met the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I was speechless for a while and so was he. "Ddont kill me please.." He begged me, while defending himself by holding his arms infront of his face. I stared at him for a while, admiring his beauty. I had a huge scar on his face, but he still looked incredibly hot.

"I won't hurt you.." I said after a few minutes. "Not?" He asked confused, slowly showing more of his face. "No, I won't. But what's your name and why are you on this ship?" I asked him confused. "Uhm.. the pirates use me as a slave. And my name is Felix." He said while shaking a bit. "Why do they use you for it? Don't you have parents or whatever?" I asked in the hope to hear a no. He would do amazing on Neverland, maybe as my second man in command. "No.. They left me when I was a kid." He smiled weak, trying to hide the pain.

"You can stay on Neverland with me and the lost boys, would you like that?" I smiled a bit. Wow, I never smiled to anyone but this boy is making me feel a lot of things right now. "I would love that.." He smiled while getting up from the ground.

I took Felix with me to the beach, to show him the island. "Welcome to your new home, Neverland!"

Sorry for not updating for a while. I didnt really had inspiration but I did now. Hope you like this one!❤️

Xx Melissa

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