42. Coming out (Captain Swan as parents, LGBTQ)

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This is an LGBTQ one shot, don't read or hate it if you don't support. I'm also part of the community so if you don't like it, you skip this.

The reader is into girls and boys, you decide if it's bi or Pan or whatever you desire it to be x

                              Your POV

You were smiling down at your phone as your parents, Emma and Killian, entered the livingroom. You always ate your breakfast on the couch, nothing was better than a lazy Saturday morning on the couch and do nothing more than binging series.

"Who are you smiling at?" You heard Emma ask, making you look up and turn your cheeks into a light shade of pink. You couldn't tell her, yet. You wanted to, but you had no idea how and you wanted to come out in an original way. Not blurting it out like others, you wanted to bring it in a funny way. You already thought of some ways, and you decide to show them through a cake. A photo cake to be exact, with your flag on it and a funny text. You were still doubting between two lines.

The line HA I'm gay would be funny, or a cake with the twisted McDonald's picture you had seen before. It was the M pictured as a woman spreading her legs, and the text I'm loving it underneath (AN : I actually saw this on a shirt, my mom didn't allow me to buy it💀). You were almost sure you would go for the last one, it was cracking you up and it would make the situation less serious and frightening.

You weren't afraid they wouldn't support, as Robin and Alice are married too and are definitely gay. But they always mentioned you getting a boyfriend or getting kids in the future, while you weren't even sure if you were gonna marry a guy and get kids in the natural way. Right now you wanted something else, and you already got what you wanted. A gorgeous girlfriend, you two were already together for four months but no one knew besides your close friend group.

You were almost sure she was your true love, you never felt this happy before with someone. You had all your firsts with her, and you didn't want it any other way. She had the most gorgeous black hair, and the suiting hazel eyes. Her smile would light up the room, or your heart whenever she walked in and she was the best cuddle buddy you could think off. She was the one, you knew. If you could propose, you would have already. But you were still only eighteen, and not ready with school yet. Maybe on your one year anniversary you would ask, if you could wait that long. Better said, you were so in love with this girl.

"No one mom, just a random tiktok." You lied as you turned off your phone and turned back to your breakfast, hoping she didn't notice you lying. You heard her chuckle and sit down on the couch with you, now munching on her own breakfast. Pancakes with chocolate chip cookies, the best breakfast for weekends. Your girl always made those whenever you slept at her place, she was the best cook out there. She might even top granny's, and no one ever did before.

You were biting your lip as you looked at the photo cake you made online, with the McDonald's picture and your pride flag on it. You sighed deep as you decided to order, tomorrow it would be delivered at your house and then there was no way back, maybe that was for the better. You couldn't keep running from it, you wanted to show her off and be proud of who you are. No hiding your identity, you were very proud of who you had become and what you would achieve in the future. You were already talking about having kids with your girl, for the future ofcourse..

The next day you waited anxiously, you had to be the one opening the door and grabbing the cake before anyone else could.

You had invited the family over for a game day, snacks definitely included and apparently this cake, if they wouldn't smash it out of anger.

You ran towards the door when you saw the baker, it was about damn time. Family would arrive within ten minutes, and the cake had to stay hidden until the moment was right. You thanked the woman quickly and decided to hide the cake in your own refrigerator, in your bedroom. Yes you had that, and you were in desperate need of some new snacks and drinks to fill it up. You checked yourself one last time in the mirror, doing quick breathing exercises before you went downstairs again to let your other family members in.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" Regina smiled wide as she pulled you in a tight hug, one you needed desperately. "Great, bit bored so I invited everyone. Mom and dad can't play a game without cheating so." You chuckled as you let go of her, she was your favourite auntie and the best cocktail buddy. Drinking some in the sun was your favorite activity with her, along with kicking some ass. "Ofcourse, they can't handle losing."

When everyone had arrived and the games appeared on the table, you started to become more nervous. Your hands started to shake a bit and you had zero concentration, making you zone out a couple of times. But when was the right time?

When coffee and tea was served it seemed like the right moment for cake, and hopefully a good reaction out of them. You also put a letter next to the cake with an explanation, in case they didn't understand the picture on the cake, which wouldn't be a surprise. You wouldn't be surprised if they just cut the cake without looking at it, and ruining your coming out moment.

"I also bought a cake, I will get it." You smiled nervous at your mom, who was frowning surprised. "You did? Why?" Emma chuckled as she sat down with the others again, most of them turned your way and listening to the conversation. "You will see, be right back." You said in a rush as you ran upstairs to get the cake, feeling like you're close to having a panic attack.

You quickly got the cake and looked at it, you had to get it over with and just tell them, else it would consume you even more.

When you got back downstairs you saw that the plates were already put on the table, ready for some cake.

"Before you cut it you have to look at the picture of the cake, it's something I have to tell you guys and I hope you don't mind." You said a bit nervous before slowly placing the cake in the middle of the table, getting curious looks from all family members. They were all lingering above the cake as you opened the box, now the picture and flag to be seen. You took a step back and took deep breaths, hoping they wouldn't notice.

"I don't get it? McDonald's? Oh wait that's a woman? Are you a stripper?" Killian, your dad, asked. You laughed softly and shook your head, of course you weren't. Only for.. her.

Suddenly Alice screamed softly while the others were still confused, now even more by the scream that came out of her. She ran towards you and hugged you tight, being the first one that understood you finally.

"Oh my god I'm so proud of you, now you're one of us." Alice smiled happy as she kept hugging you tight, making you smile wide and some tears forming in your eyes. "Thanks Al, you're actually the first one that gets it." You laughed softly as you looked at the frowns of your family members, they could be so stupid.

"As everyone looks confused I'm just gonna say it. I'm gay, kinda. I'm into boys but also girls, and I have an amazing girlfriend. And I hope you support." You finally spoke, you were relieved after blurting out those words.

You looked at your parents right away, hoping to get a good reaction out of them. When your eyes fell on them, you could see proud smiles and surprised looks coming from them. They both pulled you in a tight hug, making the tears roll down your cheeks slowly.

"Were so happy for you, and we're happy you're happy. We will always be there for you, and you always stay our little girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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