34. You will always be enough (Felix, lost boy)

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Requested by CruelNeverland , hope you will like it!
Y/n's POV

I was looking around the camp, lost boys were chatting with eachother like any other day. But me, I was alone. Always was, as if I was invisible to anyone. I wasn't lost for no reason, I felt even more lost here. Pan watched me all the day, maybe he was afraid I would try to leave or he just likes the sight of a girl on neverland.

My home was terrible, I wish to never return there ever in my life. I lost my parents at a young age, they were sick but they did care about me. The only ones that ever did, after the age of four I never felt love again. Only hatred and pain, because that's what people do. They hurt you, they use you and they break you. My new parents, or care takers as I prefer to call them took me in for the money. My real parents had quite some money, so a friend of my father offered families money to take me in and care for me. But caring was never a thing, it felt like I was supposed to take care of them, to take care of their stupid problems and tasks in life.

I worked since the age of five, for eleven years now. Last month was my sixteenth birthday, the day I was supposed to take my last breath. But the shadow, it took me. It took me to Neverland, to my so called new home. It was better than my fake family, but I couldn't say I was happy. Some boys see me as the girl of the island, their toy. But Peter stops them, surprisingly. He tells them to let me feel home at first, but that will never happen with those twats. Once they tried to get into my treehouse, wanting to use me for their needs. I hit them with my sword, I had no choice. Since that day they won't even look at me, as if I scare them.

Maybe I did, maybe it was better if they were terrified of me. I never meant to hurt them, but I had to protect myself from more harm. The only friend I got here so far was Freddy, a six year old. He isn't lost, he's too young for that. But his parents were pirates, and Pan killed them. Later on they found the kid, and had no other choice but keep him there. Peter Pan wasn't that heartless, he was okay to some.

"Hello! Eggs?" I heard a happy high pitched voice infront of me, Freddy. I looked up and tried to smile a bit, I couldn't always be sad around him. "Sure Fred, they look good." I whispered quietly as I took the plate from him, it wasn't the worst day so far. I started to eat my breakfast together with Freddy sitting between my legs, my life savior. Without Freddy I would have joined the mermaids already, they wouldn't even hesitate to drag me under the water and end the misery.

After target practice they wanted to swim, but I didn't join them. So I sat alone, watching the fire. I looked down at my body and got a lump in my throat, I felt grossed out. I was wearing big clothes, they used to be from one of the lost boys but it got too small. I was covered in dirt and mosquito bites, they were so itchy my skin was starting to get bruised and would soon be covered in small cuts. Shout out to my nails, I couldn't even find something remotely close to a nail clipper. They were freakishly long, but biting was no option. I sighed deep as I looked up at the sky, why couldn't I be someone else?

I closed my eyes, the sound of chirping birds calmed me down. It felt peaceful, like one day it will all be okay. "Y/n? Can I sit with you?" I heard a more manly voice, yet it sounded sweet and careful. I opened my eyes and looked up, it was Felix. I nodded slowly as I started to become nervous, no boy really talked to me before. Besides yelling unnecessary things, this was the nicest someone has been so far.

"Are you okay? You don't join the group a lot." He asked softly as he sat down next to me, his fabric touching my bare leg. I had short pans on, it was hot on the island and I didn't wanna be uncomfortable. "I'm fine, I.. I just don't belong here." I mumbled softly as I fiddled with a small rock I found a few seconds ago, covered in dirt. "Why do you think that? Pan thinks you will like it here and soon it might feel like your new home." Felix explained as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear, getting a closer look on my face.

"It will never. The other boys besides Freddy see me as a toy, for their stupid needs. I'm nothing more than a girl toy to them, I won't ever be their friend or family. I feel scared here all the time, I would rather just vanish from this stupid earth." I started to cry softly as I looked at my rock, it's less complicated than humans. "Don't say that, you should feel happy and free here."

"But I don't Felix, no one likes me here and I'm just a toy." I sniffed while looking at his face, full of empathy. "I like you, you're a nice girl and I know because I saw you with Freddy and you help others. And Jackson his group? They can join the others at the bottom of the sea." He said serious, but I know he was trying to cheer me up a bit. "Don't kill anyone for me, that's not necessary."

"But I will kick them of the island, this island should be a safe place for you and others." Pan suddenly joined our conversation, I could see he was pissed. I nodded slowly as I took a deep breath. "Thanks, maybe I would like this place more soon." I smiled weak while trying to clean my dirty legs with some water, it didn't help much.

"Let's go to the lake nearby, I will help you with cleaning yourself and we will take care of those." Felix gave me a smile as he pointed at my mosquito wounds. He reached out his hand and helped me up, I couldn't help it but get warm inside. I followed him to the closest lake and started to clean myself, while he took care of my wounds.

"So Y/n? What would you think of a date soon? With me? I promise I won't disappoint or hurt you ever in my life. You will be enough for me, always." Felix asked as he looked up from cleaning, I could see he meant it.

I nodded slowly and started to blush.  I started to feel something I haven't felt in years, love.

"I would love to go on a date with you Felix."

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