26. Childhood Love (Felix)

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Y/n's POV :

"Y/n! Stay close to the camp." Felix yelled loud, as his eyes met yours. His eyes told you a lot of things. It showed all his emotions, which he won't show in real life. He sounded angry, but his eyes told you something different, as if he had to pretend.

"Pwease Lixie! I wanna pway!" You yelled out, as you were a quite energetic kid, who won't listen to stupid boys at all. You stranded on this island some months ago, after your parents decided to dump you, in a wooden boat. You were scared, scared you would drown or maybe get killed by sea creatures. But soon enough the lost boys found you, Felix found you.

"I know Y/n, but you have to be careful." Felix sighed, as he was protective like he always was. "I am! But I wanna pway!" You yelled again, while running into the woods before Felix could even reach you. "Damnit." He groaned, while running after you, like some kind of babysitter.

You are only five now, and Felix was atleast seventeen. But you were obsessed with him, as if he could be your soulmate one day. You loved to play with him, tease him but mostly you loved your cuddle sessions together. You had nightmares a lot, so you would go to Felix and cuddle with him all night until you were calm again. He didn't mind it, but you knew you couldn't stay on the island like this. You had to leave one day, and maybe you would return one day, but you weren't sure.

"Lixie? I have question." You said some time later, sounding a bit insecure. "What is it peanut?" He asked, while kneeling down infront of you. "Will I ever go back? To my town." You asked carefully, as you weren't allowed to talk about it. "I don't know, you want that?" He asked, while stroking your little cheek, which was a bit bruised because of the fights with other boys. It was for fun, but mostly you would get hurt, which you didn't mind. "Yeah, I wanna be big like Lixie!" You giggled, while hugging him softly.

"Alright, but promise me to come back when you are my age okay?" He whispered, while you saw him struggling a bit. "Yes! I will come back for Lixie!" You yelled, while giggling like crazy. It was scary to go back, but also excited to become a big girl, atleast you thought so.

"Alright little Princess, I see you in the future."

His last words, it kept going through your mind for years. Sometimes it made you sad, as you missed him a lot. But sometimes you were so excited, as you knew time flew by and you were able to see him again soon.

Today is your seventeenth birthday, and mostly you would spent it with friends and family, but not this time. You found new parents, but you still felt lost and alone.

You promised yourself to go back to Neverland, mostly for Felix. He kept going through your mind, mostly as he was like a crush to you. A childhood crush, as people call it.

You found a magic bean, and maybe a portal to Neverland. You walked through the bright portal, which blinded your eyes for a few seconds. Your feet soon touched the warm sand, and you felt amazing, as you were finally home.

"Look who finally came back." You heard a devilish voice say, Peter Pan his voice. You hated him, as he always treated you like garbage. You turned around, and the only person you saw was Pan. "Also hello." You sighed, while rolling your eyes at the boy. "I'm suprised." He smirked, while checking you out a little, which made you insecure right away. "Why?" You replied, while trying to sound as confident as possible, which didn't work ofcourse. "I was doubting if little Y/n would ever come back, but she did. And I'm gonna be honest, you look fine as hell." He smirked, while walking closer to you.

"Fuck off Pan, I'm not here for you." You mumbled at him, while trying to escape from him. "I know, you are here for your little crush." Peter smirked, while grabbing your wrist, which made it hard to escape. "So what? Just let me through without your stupid words." You groaned at him.

"Y/n? Is that you?" You suddenly heard a voice behind you say, which made your heart skip a beat. It was his angelic voice, Felix his voice. You turned around right away, and looked into his eyes. There he was, the boy you loved for many years, and the one who will never leave your mind.

"Let her go Peter." Felix mumbled, as he pulled you towards him. Pan listened to Felix for once, and you froze for a few seconds.

"Hello Gorgeous." He mumbled, while stroking your cheek softly with his thumb. "Hi Lixie."

Finally a new one shot. Hope you liked reading it! :)

- Melissa

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