27. Magical Love (Felix)

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Y/n's POV

There he is, the handsome but mysterious boy. His name is Felix, one of the lost boys on the island. He is handsome, tall and many more things you can't describe.

But you on the other hand are a fairy, half nature and half water. It made you quite powerful, as you were able to control both powers. You were on Neverland too, on your own. You never came that close to the lost boys, especially to Pan who probably would capture you for fun.

You lived on the other side of the island, in a small selfmade treehouse. You had a bed, and the things you needed to survive. Sometimes you had to hunt for food, but you were great at hunting so that wasn't a problem at all. You first saw Felix years ago, at the lake. You had to hide at the last moment, as he almost caught you, but he gladly didn't. You did stare at him for a while, admiring his blonde messy hair but also the scar on his face. You don't know how he got it, but you knew it made him special in some way.

The past few years you kept looking for him, without him knowing. You watched him at the camp, around the woods and sometimes at the beach. He always came there alone, probably to think about life or just to calm down.

Slowly you started to crush on him, without even talking to him for once. Him being there was enough, enough for you to fall in love with him. But it will never be real, as he doesn't know you at all. Atleast you thought so..

Felix POV

Today I will look for her again, for Y/n. I heard her mumble her name to herself once, and she couldn't have a better name. She is a fairy, atleast I think she is. She is really beautiful, but Pan will never allow it.

She mostly sits close to the beach, watching the waves and the occasional lightning. Everything is perfect about her, even her wings. Her wings have mixed colors, blue and green. It makes her look even more beautiful, and powerful.

My crush on her became an usual thing, as I couldn't get her out of my mind. Every night I dreamed about her, and us. I wanna talk to her for once, but everytime I want to I shut down. I seem though on the outside, but on the inside I am freaking out. I want her to be mine, forever.

"Felix? About what are you thinking this time?" Peter smirked, as he sat down next to him. "Nothing important." Felix mumbled back, as he couldn't tell his bestfriend about her at all. Peter didn't really hate fairys, but he will take advantage of her and I don't want that to happen. "It sounds important, tell me Felix." He said, while looking straight at him. "It's personal."

"Since when do you keep secrets from me mate?" Pan whispered at him, sounding annoyed but also curious. "I don't, I just don't wanna talk about it yet." He smiled weak at the King of Neverland. "Fine, but you will tell me later." Pan mumbled, while getting up to check on the other lost boys. "Fine.."

Y/n's POV

You went to your usual spot, the lake. You saw that no lost boys were there, so you could swim around without someone noticing you. You got in, with some kind of bikini on ofcourse. You didn't want to risk that someone saw you naked, and made fun of you so your bikini was a great choice.

"This is kinda fun." You mumbled to yourself, while swimming around the lake and mostly underwater. You got deeper into the lake, while not noticing someone had joined you.

You got up, and your eyes met his right away. "Oh my god!" You yelled loud, as he scared you to death. "What the hell!" He yelled back, while swimming a bit away from you. "I didn't see you here, you should have warned me or something!" He yelled, while looking pretty embarrassed as he was in fact naked. Not that you looked at a certain spot, but you could see he was uncomfortable. "Sorry, I will go." You mumbled fast, as you got out of the water.

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