41. My boyfriends best friend part 3 (Peter Pan/Felix)

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Your POV

Storybrooke was different, it was nothing like Neverland. It's two weeks since you left Peter and the island behind, but you were happier than ever. Yes you missed the life on the island, but here you had your boyfriend with you and the younger kids were safe finally. You and Felix were official now, no one that could tear you two apart.

You lived in a barn, to keep the free life. You talked to the major, Regina Mills, about it. You could live there, but had to promise not to make a mess and piss off the villagers. It was perfect, the barn. You and Felix made a private part for the two of you - the younger ones didn't have to watch the two of you fucking. Besides that they installed a bathroom, with a simple toilet and bathtub included. Most time was spend in the hay, playing with the kids and get them to bed later at night. You spend most days at the dock or forest, sometimes in town.

You got yourself a job, to kill time and buy food you need. It was only for two days a week, at the majors office. Clean it for her, it was a simple task and she payed enough so you could buy the groceries and clothes that were necessary after all this time.

You didn't miss Peter, but sometimes you were wondering what they were doing on the island now. The older ones stayed, they were very loyal to Pan and they had no intentions on leaving the island. Maybe strange, but sometimes you missed the danger and thrill of the island. Here it was quiet, you didn't have to fight again and you didn't have to kill animals to eat. Everything was perfect here, too perfect. Well, not everything was.

The past few days you were feeling miserable, wondering if it had to with the magic of Neverland. You didn't age for a while, maybe it had effect on your body as you grow older now like everyone here. The little boys were happy, to become big and strong like Felix was or to get a girlfriend like him. Their words, not yours. But you were worried, about your own health. Every day it was the same, puking and the worst headaches you ever experienced in your whole life. You couldn't eat, and you were tired all the time. No doctor yet, you didn't want to complain right away as it was only for a few days so far.

"Love, any better today?" Felix walked into your bedroom, that was only for you and Felix for private matters. It was at the top level of the barn, to be reached with a ladder. The boys were sleeping downstairs, below your bedroom on thick mattresses. They loved it, they didn't even want their own bedroom or sleep with the both of you. They were still free, and able to be kids.

You shook your head lightly as you sat up a little bit, careful as you didn't want to throw up, again.

"Maybe you should visit the hospital. I know you don't want to but I'm getting worried and I know you're too." He said as he sat down on the edge of the bed and held your hand, trying to be supportive like he always was. Your biggest supporter, you couldn't be more happy with him as your boyfriend and hopefully soon husband. You did want to marry him, but it will happen eventually and you didn't want him to feel pressured into it. No rush, just love right now.

You sighed softly but agreed eventually, maybe they could make you better quickly so you could hang with all the boys again. They hated it that you were sick, they were worried and they missed their playmate as they said. And it wouldn't get better like this, in bed with no food intake or energy.

About half an hour later you arrived at the hospital and waited for your name to be called, you felt okay now. No puke, but the headache and drain of energy was still presentable. Hopefully it wasn't something bad, something they couldn't fix at the hospital. You got up slowly as your name was called and walked along with Dr.Whale, he was the head doctor and for some reason he's a specialist in almost everything.

Felix sat down next to you and held your hand as Dr.Whale closed the door shut. You watched him as you sat on the bed, you felt a bit dramatic now. As if you were close to death, and as far as you knew you weren't dead or close to dying. He started to ask some basic questions about previous sickness, and about Neverland. There was nothing that could be the cause of your symptoms.

"I have to ask this question but is there a chance you're pregnant?" Dr. Whale asked behind his desk, looking at the both of us. Your cheeks turned red as you looked at Felix for a few seconds, you weren't completely sure. You tracked your period and everything, you knew exactly when you had a high risk of pregnancy and when not. So the chance of being pregnant was small, but not zero.

"I track everything, I shouldn't be pregnant." You said as you bit your lip nervous, what if you were? It would be a big shock, not something you would expect at all. You did love babies, that's a fact. "But you don't use protection? Condoms? Birth control?" He asked once again, as if were trying to get pregnant on purpose. We were careful, and not stupid.

"We don't use that as we track, and we're from Neverland so we both don't know what it means really. At Neverland I couldn't get pregnant at all so." You said stubborn as you spoke the truth, you didn't have to use protection before so you never considered taking a pill or using a rubber. "I wanna take a test just in case, is that fine with you?"

You agreed with him and you had to pee in a cup, and they would test it right away. You couldn't see, they took it with them to a lab for fast results they said. You became very nervous as you saw Dr.Whale walking back to your room again, a big frown to be seen on his face. When he walked in he gave you a faint smile and looked down at the paper he was holding, the results were there.

"I think we found the cause of your sickness, you're two weeks pregnant Y/n."

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