30. Teen Mom (CS + Peter Pan)

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Y/n's POV

"Pan? Where the hell are you?" You groaned, while searching around camp for him. You were living a double life, a life on Neverland and storybrooke. Emma Swan and Killian Jones were your parents, and they should never find out about you staying on Neverland whenever you can.

Mostly Peter gets you at night, to join him to Neverland. It went this way already for more than a year, and you weren't complaining. After months you and Peter became a thing, but your family didn't know a thing. They even think Peter is still dead.

You were able to grow up, as it would be weird for your parents to not see you get older. You met Pan at the beach once, when you couldn't sleep at night. Mostly you go to the beach to think, or listen to the sound of the waves. It calmed you, and it made you fall asleep faster. Sometimes you did fall asleep on the beach, and Emma had to get you the next morning. It happened every week, so she always knew where you were when you weren't in your room.

"I am here Y/n." Peter said, while showing up infront of you. "Finally, were you deaf or something?" You sighed, while you hold his left hand with your right, to feel his warmth. "I was busy, maybe try to be patient for once." He said stern, but you knew he was joking in some way. He could never be mad at you, unless some lost boy came too close and you didn't say a word about it. He is the jealous type in the relationship, but that is how Pan is. Jealous and protective, the way you like it.

"Yeah yeah, but I wanted to say goodbye before I go back home." You smiled, while pecking his lips shortly. "I don't want you to go, you belong here." Peter nodded at you, before pulling you closer to his small but yet so strong body. "I know baby, but for now I have to go back. They can't know about us, or about Neverland. They will never let me leave again and you know that." You sighed, while pecking his lips once again. "You have to tell them one day, or else you can't stay mine." He mumbled, and you knew he meant it. "But.." You sighed, but decided to leave as he was right. You couldn't live like this, be together with him like this. Something had to change, for Peter.

One hour later

"Goodmorning mom." You smiled, as you pretented to just have woken up and grab breakfast. You did eat already with the boys, you had target practice and you and Peter might did some steamy other excercises as well...

"Morning kid, ready for girls day?" She smiled excited. You almost forgot about it, girls day with your family. Only the girls and woman could join, and most of the time you ate and did funny games. It was fun always, unless Truth or dare was played and some secrets were spilled. Regina and Zelena once had a huge fight, because Zelena used some of her magical ingredients. It was funny, you almost grabbed some popcorn to watch this drama.

"I am! At Regina her place, right?" You asked, while looking at your clothes. It was good enough for today, it wasn't like you had to be all pretty. "Hmhm, we do have to leave already. Were already late." Emma explained, while both of you rushed to the car and grabbed everything you needed. "Regina already bought the stuff we need for today, so we don't have to worry about that." Your mom smiled, as she drove off to her house. "Better, don't wanna fight at the mall again." You chuckled, while thinking back to that moment.

"I made up this game, it's just for fun but it has his humour in it." Regina laughed, while giving all of us a pregnancy test. "Oh my god Regina." Emma sighed, while shaking her head as if it is the worst game ever. "We all should take a test and see the results later. If one of us is positive then drama will start." She laughed. Regina enjoys this way too much, but most of the time it is her who starts drama.

We all took the test, which was weird. You and Peter did have sex, unprotective as well. Well.. you used no condoms but you yourself had the pill so it was fine. You weren't pregnant, you were sure of it. You didn't have any stomach pain, or the urge to throw up every morning.

"Ok guys, now look!" Alice laughed, while everyone looked at their own pregnancy test. No one could see the results, which was a good thing for you..

You looked at the results, and two stripes were showing. You knew what it meant, you were pregnant. You carried the baby of freaking Peter Pan while your parents hate him to death. Your skin turned pale, and you had no idea what to say or do. You heard the others laugh, and show eachother their negative tests.

"What about yours Y/n?" Robin laughed softly, as she probably thought it was negative. "Negative ofcourse.." You lied, while hiding the test. Emma gave you a worried and stern look. Oh shit.. her extra power. She knew you were lying, but she can't know about it. No one can, not even Peter.

Peter doesn't want kids ever, he basically hates them. Lost boys are like brothers to him, but they aren't younger than ten. Peter would try to kill it, or forse you to take it away. If you told your parents they would be so furious. Their sixteen year old daughter is pregnant, what a shame.

You got home later that night, and you already planned everything out. You packed bags, grabbed your money from your vault and dressed yourself in some warm and comfy clothes.

There was one thing you could do for the baby, leave.

New one shot! I think I will make a part two about this one shot. What do yall think? Part two or keep it like this?

X Melissa

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