16. A little suprise (Felix)

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Y/N's POV :


I looked at the test in my hand, but it was clear. It said positive. I'm pregnant.. from my boyfriend who doesn't want kids for sure, which makes this little suprise terrifying.

I'm the only one here who can actually age, as I asked Peter to give me a aging posion after being on Neverland for atleast 20 years. I'm 17 years old myself, but I stopped aging when I got on Neverland, just like everyone else here.

I asked for it, because I wanted a future. I always wanted a little family of my own, with someone I truly love. And I do have that someone, called Felix. We actually have been together for 5 years now, but ofcourse the both of us stayed the same age. But I have one tiny problem, and this is Felix not wanting to grow up and for sure not wanting any kids.

But here I am.. being pregnant with his child. He knew about me wanting to have a family, and that I can age. But he just ignored all of that, as he would never want me to have his kids, as far as I know then. I really hope he will change his mind if I tell him the news, but I have to expect the worst.

I actually went to storybrooke to get a test and some other stuff, as you might be wondering how I got a test on Neverland. Pan allows me to go there for shopping and for really needy things, so I'm glad I got myself a test.

The test said I was already 8 weeks pregnant, but I still had a lot of time before the baby will come. I'm not sure what I will do if Felix doesn't accept this, as he would probably never want to see me again. I don't wanna leave Neverland and the boys, but I might have no choice then.

I can go to storybrooke maybe, but I have no idea where I can live. I have no money for my own house, so I will have to move in with someone but no one wants a lost girl in their house for sure. But first I will tell Felix and the boys.. and then we will see what I will do.

I walked over to our camp, as I wanted to tell everyone at dinner. First I will tell Felix ofcourse, just away from the others. I looked around, and spotted Felix right away. "Hey handsome." I smiled a bit, while kissing his cheek softly. "Hey, beautiful." He smiled while placing a kiss on my lips. "Can we talk?" I asked nervous, while starting to fiddle with his hands. "Yes ofcourse love.." Felix mumbled worried, as I could hear at his voice.

"I uh.. need to tell you something and I'm sure you will get mad." I mumbled, while folding my arms a bit. "Y/N.. you're making me a bit scared right now.." He mumbled, while looking even more worried. "I'm sorry.. I just know you won't like it." I sighed softly. "Just tell me and we will see." He nodded while holding my hand.

"Uh.. I'm pregnant." I mumbled softly, while being scared as hell. "Youre pregnant?!" He spat out, while looking at me mad but suprised.  "I am.." I sighed while biting my lip nervous. "It's mine, isn't it?" He mumbled while looking really stressed, which I get. "Yes ofcourse it is.." I said quite frustrated, as I will probably lose my boyfriend right now. "Oh God.."

Felix was walking around frustrated, and I was sitting on the ground, also frustrated as hell. "Felix.. are you gonna leave me?" I mumbled, while starting to tear up. "Me? Leave you? Ofcourse not." He sighed softly while sitting infront of me. "But.. what about the baby? You don't want kids so." I sighed, while fiddling with his hand again. "I know.. because I know I will be a horrible dad." He mumbled while looking away a bit.

"You won't be a horrible dad, who told you that?" I asked carefully, as he looks quite upset right now. "My ex.." He mumbled. I really hate his ex, that girl is such a horrible person. She only used him for money, as he didn't live on Neverland yet back then. His family was rich, so she pretented to love him to just steal their money months after. Felix hates her a lot, just like he also hates his family. His parents never cared for him, and called him an accident all his life. But luckily Felix came to Neverland, where he made some friends and met me years later.

"She is a liar Felix, believe me." I smiled weak while kissing his cheek. "Maybe not about this.." He mumbled while smiling weak. "Felix. You will be a great dad, and I will help you with it. Okay?" I smiled while stroking his cheek, trying to cheer him up a bit. "Alright.. we can try yeah." He smiled while placing his lips on mine.

"So, which name sounds better for our little girl? Blaze or Ophelia?"

New one shot! Hope you liked reading this one and hopefully there will be more soon✨

Xx Melissa

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